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股市开盘时行情看涨。The market opened in a bullish mood.

在我看来,他们有点太乐观了。They're a smidgen too bullish for me.

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事实上,麦基尔总体而言非常乐观。In fact, Mr Malkiel is, overall, very bullish.

我认为看涨的情感足有一英里宽,但其深度只有一英寸。I'd call bullish sentiment a mile wide but an inch deep.

看涨行情结束标志一个新的上升趋势和买入点的出现。That bullish close signals a new uptrend and long entry.

这是利多的,因为它使得短期趋势转为上涨。This is bullish because it had helped turned the short-term up.

金价进一步高企又新添一股推动力。Another bullish force behind the powering of gold prices higher.

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谈到那些希望分得一杯羹的竞争对手时,陈启泰的看法非常乐观。As for competitors who want a slice of his pie, Chan is bullish.

海运市场持续看涨,目前无法获昨相同动费率。Ret market continue bullish no chance to get same rate presently.

大多数人看好新兴市场,这种观点是有风险的。There are risks to the consensus bullish view on emerging markets.

辩论后,奥巴马和麦凯恩均称自己在辩论中胜出。After the debate, Obama and McCain both made bullish victory claims.

看涨,目前无法获得相同的运费率。Freight market continue bullish no chance to get same rate presently.

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注重多空套做。也就是说,假如逆差正在减小,不要瞧多。Watch the spreads i. e. , don't be bullish if inverses are narrowing.

刘说他牛脾气大,怀过龙笑了。Liu said he was bullish temperament big, pregnant than dragon laughed.

起初,这种防守的举动让愈发看好股市的弗莱斯担心。The defensive move at first worried Mr. Fleiss, who had grown bullish.

“我的看法是短多长空,”罗伯茨说。"I'm kind of short-term bullish but longer-term bearish," says Roberts.

众多券商看好华峰氨纶的原因主要有两点。Many brokerages bullish Huafeng spandex reasons there are two main points.

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招聘人员对2010年高管猎头公司的前景持乐观看法。Recruiters are bullish on the outlook for executive-level job hunters in 2010.

一些分析师对于股市今年末的走势前景要更乐观.Some chartists are even more bullish about prospects for equities into year-end.

云采纳者们对技术在其商业内的未来充满信心。Cloud adopters are bullish about the technology’s future within their businesses.