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旅游被认为是无烟工业。Tourism is regarded as a smokeless industry.

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即使吸食低焦油的烟草也同样会提高患病风险。Use of smokeless tobacco also raises the risk.

美军没有无烟火药。The Americans did not have the smokeless powder.

旅游业并非真正意义上的“无烟工业”。Tourism industry is not the genuine "smokeless industry".

旅游业----“无烟的工业”----正在中国迅速发展。Tourism, a smokeless industry, is developing rapidly in China.

阿根廷有“Asado”,或者在无烟的烤炉上烤的非腌制的肉。Argentina has asado, or marinade-free meat cooked in a smokeless pit.

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巨灵由无烟之火创造而成,能够随意变换形状。Made from smokeless fire, Djinn are capable of changing shape at will.

收购已经成为进入无烟烟草市场的首选手段。Acquisitions have been the preferred means of entry to the smokeless market.

旅游业被誉为“无烟工业”和“永远的朝阳产业”。Tourism is praised as "Smokeless Industry" or "Everlasting SunriseIndustry".

控制和预防无烟烟草制品和“电子烟”control and prevention of smokeless tobacco products and “electronic cigarettes”

张家界旅游这一“无烟工业”,面临着转型的压力。Zhangjiajie Tourism that "smokeless industry" in transition are faced with the pressure.

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事实上,有些研究已经表明,很多烟民是通过无烟制品转变而来的。Some studies, in fact, found that users moved from smokeless tobacco products to become smokers.

他们将被带到塞纳河的加维纳科斯岛,就在巴黎圣母院旁,然后再无烟炭上慢慢被文火烤死,这让他们再痛苦中过了几个小时才死去。There they were slow roasted over a pile of hot, smokeless charcoal. It took hours for them to die.

红外烧烤机的烧烤时间短,操作简单,无烟且无污染。And it has advantages of less barbecuing time, easy operation, smokeless and non-polluting environment.

菲利普莫里斯美国公司和美国无烟烟草公司的母公司奥驰亚集团,聘用了大约330名肯塔基人。Altria, the parent company of Philip Morris USA and U. S. Smokeless Tobacco, employs about 330 Kentuckians.

他们也承认美国普通外科认定无烟烟草的使用会让人上瘾。They also acknowledge that the U. S. surgeon general has determined that smokeless tobacco use is addictive.

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如果有大量的如鼻烟这样的无烟烟草产品流入,一成不变的烟草公司将亏损。Undiversified tobacco companies stand to lose if there were a mass migration to smokeless products like Snus.

随着旅游行业成为世界第一大无烟产业,其竞争也日益激烈。While tourism has become the world's number-one smokeless industry, its competition is getting daily more intense.

因此充分利用本区特殊的自然资源,发展旅游事业,将不失为促进本区经济,发展"无烟工业"的有利条件。So the full use of the regional special resources for tourism is no doubt the advantage to promote smokeless industry.