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担保法。Guarantee Law?

我们保证他会胜。We guarantee its quality.

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售后服务保证。Post-sale service guarantee.

保用期为6个月。It has a six month guarantee.

我们保证可以退款。We have money-back guarantee.

保修单什么时候到期?When did the guarantee run out?

有保证退钱吗?Is there a money-back guarantee?

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保用期多久?How long is the guarantee period?

团结是胜利的保证。Unity is the guarantee of victory.

第七条担保人不得为经营亏损企业提供对外担保。I can offer my land as a guarantee.

口说无凭。Verbal statements are no guarantee.

我们还能保证当天送货。We can guarantee same-day delivery.

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但是需求并不能保证供应。But demand does not guarantee supply.

我向你们保证,她能勇敢战斗。I guarantee that she will fight well.

这份保证书有效期为一年。This guarantee is valid for one year.

低价格保证本田门拉手。Honda door handle low price guarantee.

这台新收音机有保修单。The new radio had a guarantee with it.

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优价真能保证优质吗?Could high cost guarantee high quality?

我管保这件事情能办好。I guarantee that you'll like this book.

这台录放影机附有三年保证。The VCR carries a three-year guarantee.