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“三十五分。”她没好气地答道。"Thirty-five cents, " she said brusquely.

“打扰了。”她唐突地向爱德华说道。Excuse me, " she said brusquely to Edward."

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他退到钢琴那里冷淡地点点头。He backs against the piano and bows brusquely.

他做了个手势,猛然地制止了笑声。He cut off the laughing brusquely with a gesture.

人们发出一阵哄笑,他做了个手势,猛然制止了笑声。There was a laugh which he cut off brusquely with a gesture.

对于这个不断变化的世界来说,这是一份草率的现实计划。It is a brusquely realistic plan for this ever-changing world.

布林询问百度的标志是否是一个狗爪子?When Brin asked whether the Baidu logo was a dog's paw, Li corrected him brusquely.

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有的时候我们通过沉默,一句话不说来表达爱,也有时候我们通过大声叫嚷出来,甚至是很粗鲁的叫。Sometimes we show our love by just keeping quiet and not saying a word, at other times by speaking out, even brusquely.

郭丽蓉,花乡名城的宣传总监,在要求对发生的对峙事件发表看法时,蛮横地拒绝了电话采访。Gao Lirong the propaganda director for the Huaxiang township brusquely refused to comment on the standoff when reached by telephone.

他因过于冒然地游说一位访客前往牛津大学的一所学院被免去职务,随后茂文前往另一所其曾不屑一顾的大学执教。After lobbying a visitor to his Oxford college too brusquely , he was eased out and took a job at another university which he despised.

于是这位接线员就自作主张对她宣称她会面临一些真正的麻烦,可能会因为她不配合而收取以搜索发生的费用。He then brusquely lectured her that she was "going to be in some serious trouble" and could be charged for the expense of a manhunt if she didn't cooperate.