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我并不低估生活中起装饰作用的东西的价值。I don't underrate the decorative side of life.

我们不能高估或低估自己的能力。We should not overrate or underrate our ability.

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我担心我低估了这项任务的困难。I fear that I underrate the difficulty of the task.

讽刺的是,优秀的玩家倾向于低估自己的实力。Ironically, good players tend to underrate their skill.

不可低估实行此计画的困难。Do not underrate the difficulty of carrying out this plan.

我觉得大多数人都低估了电视的教育价值。I think that many people underrate the education value of TV.

我觉得很多人都低估了电视的教育价值。I think that many people underrate the educational value of TV.

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你不可低估攀登这座山的困难。You must not underrate the difficulty of climbing this mountain.

不过,最大的威胁就是轻视塞黑。The biggest risk, however, is to underrate Serbia and Montenegro.

但是他们官方的头衔或多或少地估计了他们的权力。But their official titles both overrate and underrate their authority.

要小看人类的智力是不可能的—如果第一个就从自己的算起。It is impossible to underrate human intelligence begin with one's own.

他在很多的比赛中被低估,在不同的方展示他的能力。And yet, he was the difference-maker in too many big games to underrate.

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要小看人类的智力是不可能的——如果第一个就从自己的算起。It is impossible to underrate human intelligence-beginning with one's own.

你永远都不应低估马克思主义对中国人的影响。You should never underrate the influence of Marxism on the Chinese people.

人们不应该低估达尔朗,同时也不应该不知道推动着他前进的动机。One must not underrate Darlan, nor fail to understand the impulse that moved him.

我们不要低估这些理想对现代英国民主政治的巨大作用。You must not underrate the force which these ideals exert upon the modern British democracy.

丑恶是七大德行之一,格拉迪斯。你是个死心塌地的保皇党,别把这些德行低估了。Ugliness is one of the seven deadly virtues, Gladys. You, as a good Tory, must not underrate them.

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世界范围的排名往往会给予德国大学低于其水平的名次,部分原因是由于非英语实验室往往不受重视。World rankings tend to underrate them, partly because non-English-speaking laboratories are penalised.

“我了解他们的教练巴尔迪尼”,这名前恩波利前锋解释道,“如果我们轻视他们的话,那将是非常危险的。"I know their coach Baldini" explains the former Empoli forward, "and it will be very risky if we underrate them.

目前的分析对那些低估国际资本主义经济力量的改革者来说,是一个警告。The present analysis is a warning to reformers who tend to underrate the force of internationalcapitalist economy.