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仙台市的现状,就是整个日本的缩影。Sendai is a microcosm of what ails Japan.

火车从仙台开向东京。The train puffed towards Tokyo from Sendai.

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仙台朝市离我们酒店很近,走几分钟的路程就能到了。A 5 minutes walk from the west exit of Sendai Station.

仙台地区上一次有记录的巨大海啸发生在869年。The last giant tsunami recorded in Sendai struck in 869.

MODIS探测到仙台市北部海岸的一处着火地点。MODIS detected a fire burning near the shore north of Sendai.

仙台地区的历史似乎能够证明这个说法的正确性。The history of the Sendai region seemed to support that idea.

渴望政府提供拨款在仙台是个不断被谈论的话题。The desire for government handouts is a constant theme in Sendai.

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在仙台市警方发现多达300个机构在一个病房。In the city of Sendai the police found up to 300 bodies in a single ward.

位于仙台附近的电池厂每年可产电池20万套。The battery plant outside Sendai is able to produce 200,000 batteries a year.

但受地震影响最大的,还是仙台市和附近的沿海地区。But it was in Sendai and adjacent coastal areas that the impact was strongest.

2011年3月11日,仙台市机场附近,海啸冲毁了房屋,引起了燃烧。Houses swept by a tsunami smoulder near Sendai Airport in Japan March 11, 2011.

这是中心根据有关一百三十零公里仙台东海。It was centered under the sea about one hundred thirty kilometers east of Sendai.

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仙台市和盐釜市交界处的一家石油化工厂发生火灾。Sendai City and Salt Kettle, a city at the junction of petrochemical Factory fire.

但也有一些线索表明仙台区域是有可能发生更强烈的地震的。But some clues suggested that the Sendai region might be capable of greater violence.

位于东京北部,在仙台机场的飞机和车辆被洪潮四处推散。Planes and vehicles that were swept away by the wave at Sendai airport, north of Tokyo.

线索表明,那儿或许就隐藏着罕见的大地震,就像在仙台发生的一样。Clues to rare, great earthquakes may be hidden there -- as it seems they were in Sendai.

外交部长KevinRudd称数百名澳大利亚人住在仙台市。Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd said today hundreds of Australians lived in the Sendai region.

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一个在仙台市教英语的美国人,此时23岁的他正停留在避难处。Cameron Peek, 23, an American who teaches English in Sendai city, was staying at the shelter.

仙台机场的跑道整个被汽车,卡车,公交车和厚厚的淤泥淹没。Sendai airport was inundated with cars, trucks, buses and thick mud deposited over its runways.

2011年3月13日,美国空军和海军成员在飞机上离开仙台机场的时候看着下面的废墟。U.S. Air Force and Marine personnel look out over debris left at Sendai airport on March 13, 2011.