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在清代通俗小说创作中,更出现不少此类母题互相抄袭的小说史现象。In the earthliness novel produce of Ming Qing, there are many motifs copying phenomena.

两天住郊区,暂时抛却尘世烦恼,心无杂念地享受天伦之乐。Rural living two days, temporary scholar earthliness trouble hearts without access to family happiness ideas.

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一男多女的描写,在明清通俗小说中比比皆是,其反映了城市民间风习和道德观。In Ming Qing earthliness novel, the delineating of the "one man and many women" story can be found everywhere.

它的通俗浅显、明白畅晓、平易近人的平民化特质也是赢取受众的重要手段。Its earthliness and simpleness, clearness and amiableness are also an important mean to win the attention of the audiences.

当高雅的美术技巧被用于勾勒出俗世中人们的生活百态之时,雅俗得以结合。When the lofty fine arts skill uses in outlining in the earthliness people's life hundred condition, elegant vulgar can unify.

既脱离尘世为道士,却又难以忘怀帝王关爱的这些人,其生命的终极关怀为何?What is the ultimate concern of people who had withdrawn from earthliness to become priests but still hankered after the attention of the Emperor?

张爱玲作品的通俗性主要表现在内容的世俗化、传奇性上,在语言和审美趣味上也有体现。We could notice the earthliness and legend manifested in Zhang's works, which was also manifested in Zhang's individual language and aesthetic interests.

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它应该超出他之上,直到他前往精神之地,在那里,兽性远离了他,在那里,他永远告别他的凡俗。It shall be beyond him until he comes to that place in Spirit where the beasthood drops away from him, where he leaves his earthliness behind him forever.

是啊,我就是个孩子,可我还是在流亡凡世的三十年里长大了,我抱着弟弟行走在俗世的风尘中。Yes, I am a child, but I in went into exile in every world in 30 years to grow up, I hugged the younger brother to walk in the earthliness travel fatigue.

融入自然,对自然山水风光的欣赏和描写减轻了他心中尘世的烦恼,获得一条解脱之道。To be in harmony with nature and his enjoyment of landscape and scene and his writings alleviated his bother of earthliness , then he had found an approach of extrication.