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是我,红雀说。I, said the Linnet.

是这红雀飞走无踪!And this linnet flew!

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红雀生而于笼中。The linnet born within the cage.

吱喳鸣叫着她春天的歌。The linnet chirps her vernal song.

林内特抬起头来凝视着他。Linnet lifted her head and stared at him.

谁拿火炬来?是我,红雀说。Who'll carry the link? "I, " said the Linnet.

医生,当你检查林内特·多尔的尸体时。When you examined Linnet Doyle's body, doctor.

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当我在林内特·多尔的舱里询问路易丝·碧翠时。When I was questioning Louise Beauchain in Linnet Doyle's cabin.

安迪指给我们看一只振翅欲飞的红雀,一只画眉在黄昏时的晚风中歌唱。Andy pointed out the bobbing flight of a linnet. A song thrush repeated its wind-buffeted song in the twilight.

珂赛特的歌喉就象一只通灵的黄莺,有时,进夜以后,她在老人养病的那间简陋的小屋里,唱一两首忧郁的歌曲,冉阿让听了,心里大为喜悦。Cosette had the voice of a linnet with a soul, and sometimes, in the evening, in the wounded man's humble abode, she warbled melancholy songs which delighted Jean Valjean.

新合纤仿麻织物由于组成纤维性能不同、其耐热性、收缩性等因素而影响染色质量。Owing to different properties of compositional fibres of linnet from shin-gosen, its dyeing quality is influenced by such factors as the heat resistance and shrinking property of the fibres.