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真要感谢那只树熊?!No thanks to the koala.

她不曾见过无尾熊。She has not seen a koala.

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在大洋洲上贴一只树袋熊。Stick a koala on Oceania.

树熊睁开一只眼,哇!The koala opened one eye.

树熊不理会。The koala took no notice.

树袋熊住在澳大利亚。El koala vive en Australia.

你看!有只无尾熊抱在树上。Look! There's a koala hugging a tree.

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树熊松开我,浮到水面,离我的脸很近,毛公仔似的五官毫无表情。The koala let go and surfaced near my face.

为什么树袋熊如此受动物园参观者的欢迎呢?Why is koala bear so popular with zoo goers?

一只小考拉在悉尼野生世界。A baby joey koala at Sydney's Wildlife World.

的确,无尾熊的一切似乎都很慢。Indeed, everything about the koala seems slow.

实际上,这种邪恶的物种根本不存在。The evil strain of koala don't actually exist.

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我觉得无尾熊是这个动物园里最可爱的动物。I think koala is the cutest animal in this zoo.

抱着无尾熊很好玩、而且也具教育性和启发性。Holding a koala is fun, educational, and inspiring.

美国曾将考拉熊列为濒临物种。S. has listed the koala bear as a threatened species.

什么?考拉?你是说那种无尾熊吗?这是小名吗?What?Koala?You mean the animal koala?Is it a nickname?

一些物种白天和夜晚都睡觉,例如树袋熊。Some species sleep day and night such as the Koala Bear.

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树袋熊和毛鼻袋熊是澳洲特有的动物品种。The koala and the wombat are species endemic to Australia.

最后一个观光景点是龙柏动物园。The last tourist attraction was Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary.

树袋熊很懒,每天睡眠休息20个小时。A koala is lazy, and it sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day.