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就是现在,未来正安静地向我们走来。Right now the future buzzes along at a sedate pace.

二姐和三姐则比较为稳重。Second sister and three elder sister is more for sedate.

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宜人的灰绿色给人稳重并且雅致的感觉。Delightful celadon gives a person sedate and refined feeling.

布什总统在泰国受到的迎接场面可能会要平静得多。Mr. Bush's reception in Thailand is likely to be much more sedate.

活泼的叫顾盼生辉,矜特叫稳重大方。The lively call look unripe brightness, jin's call sedate and easy.

一般来说,空椅子比听众多是读书会上很平常的事。These arenormally sedate affairs where empty chairs outnumber the audience.

一个举止庄重的没穿制服的人走来,从女仆手里接过提包。A sedate person out of livery approached them and relieved the maid of her bags.

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她原来从事更为传统的幼儿园连锁经营业务。She branched out from the more sedate world of running a chain of kindergartens.

贝斯手王丹在生活和音乐中都会保持一份沉稳和独立。Bass player Wangdan, he always keep sedate and independent on living life and same on music.

LEIF是位王子,英俊沉稳,出生便拥有王室最精美的宝石项鍊。LEIF was a prince, handsome and sedate. He owned a delicate royal precious stone when he was born.

确实你绞尽脑汁也不会清楚可以镇静婴儿、动物或者人类多少次。Exaclty how many times can you sedate an infant, animal or human, before you kill some brain cells?

在从前摆放椅子的地方,现在却摆放着鸡笼,从前椅子上坐着安详的农夫,而现在鸡笼里却养着心神不宁的母鸡。Distracted hens in coops occupied spots where formerly stood chairs supporting sedate agriculturists.

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在一个平静的博物馆中昏暗的档案室里,一本厚厚的古书被摆在了很显著的位置。In the somber archives of a sedate museum a large archaic volume is somewhat conspicuously displayed.

大麻事实上是狄俄尼索斯从昴宿星带到地球的一种植物,主要被当成奴隶的镇静剂。Marijuana is actually a plant from the Pleiades brought to Earth by Dionysus specifically to sedate the slaves.

在这个安静的驻军锯齿状山峰环抱的小镇,一天温柔线头减少到一夜间耳语。In this sedate garrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is reduced to a whisper by night.

在这个群峰环绕、安详的卫戍小镇上,白天温柔的声响总是变成夜间温柔的窃窃私语。In this sedate garrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is usually reduced to a whisper by night.

很多睡美人饮食的支持者通过多日沉重而安静的睡去,所以当他们醒来的时候,他们更瘦了。Proponents of the Sleeping Beauty diet sedate themselves heavily for many days, so that when they wake up they’re much thinner.

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尽管这的设施没有新区的好,但是却总给我么一种感觉,那种感觉大概就是我们经常提到的成熟与稳重吧。Although the facilities was worse than the new campus, they gave us a feeling which might be mature sedate we offen talked about.

相比于以一种更加平静和中心明确的方式做的陈述报告,通过忙乱的多媒体做的更让人记不住。People who watch busy multimedia presentations remember less than those who take in information in a more sedate and focused manner.

一个聚吧,咏叹调,是一个“安静的、让人感觉工作快乐的和度短假的好地方”,来自于吉姆。博伊斯写在博客北京博伊斯的夜生活上的话。Regis. Its bar, Aria, is a "sedate post-work getaway with a good happy hour, " according to Jim Boyce, who writes the nightlife blog BeijingBoyce.