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如今只有秋风吹着它无树的陵墓。Now fall wind blows its treeless tombs.

沙漠里光秃秃的,连避一避的地方也没有。The desert is treeless and gives no cover.

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产于北极区和高山地带的一个常绿灌木小属。The bleak, treeless regions of the high Andes.

它的干燥平原地区几乎没有树木生长。The dry plains of the Sahel are mostly treeless.

有的人居住在无树区的下游地带,几乎无法缓冲灾难的影响。Some settle downstream from treeless areas, with little buffer against the elements.

就在你下方,不过是在50英里开外的,是一片你能想象到的最荒凉的不毛之地。Below you, though still 50 miles off, is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable.

在没有一棵树的食品店院子里,大约已经有三十个人在排队。In the treeless courtyard of the grocery store, a line of about thirty people had already formed.

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这里没有树木生长,因为已经在北极圈周围了,苔原生长在地球的寒冷的、荒芜的生态环境。Treeless regions found in and around the Arctic, tundras are among Earths coldest, harshest biomes.

无树地区位于北极圈内及其附近,苔原分布在地球最冷,最荒芜的生物群落之中。Treeless regions found in and around the Arctic, tundras are among Earth's coldest, harshest biomes.

这些位于苏格兰东部沿海的小岛上没有植被,人口也只有65人。Out Skerries is a tiny, treeless island off the eastcoast of Scotlandwhere the population is just 65.

他懂得牛和马,一如他的祖先一样凝望着荒芜广阔的大草原。he understands cattle and horses and gazes out upon the treeless expanse just as his predecessors did.

水坑干涸了,在光秃秃的绵延起伏的山坡上,我们看到到处都是死去的牲口。The water holes were dried up and we saw dead cattle lying here and there on the treeless , rolling range.

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一道浅绿带灰黄的光,透过雾和雪的薄幕,斜射到没有一草一木、非常僵硬的原野上。A shallow greenish light slanted down through a veil of fog and snow upon a treeless deathly rigid landscape.

山谷被茂密的森林覆盖,但上层的斜坡上是比较开阔的树木林地,并且很多山顶和山脊上都是没有树木的。The valleys are thickly forested, but the upper slopes become open woodland and many of the peaks and ridges are treeless.

穴鸮把“家”建在没有树木的矮草地区,分布于从加拿大南部到墨西哥的北美洲西部。The burrowing owl makes its home in the treeless , shortgrass country of western North America, from southern Canada to Mexico.

很多曾一度被郁郁葱葱的森林所覆盖的地区现在都变成了土壤龟裂的荒芜之地。Huge areas which were once covered with forest have turned into a treeless waste where the soil is exactly like broken-up brick.

那些在荒芜广阔的西部驱使牛工作的人有至少四分之一是黑人,他们被认知为牛仔。The men who worked the cattle in the treeless expanses of the West, at least one-fourth of them blacks, became known as cowboys.

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这片干旱平原上大多没有树木,但是目前位于荒漠平原沿边国家之一的尼泊尔有数以百万的树木正在生长。The dry plains of the Sahel are mostly treeless . Yet in Niger, one of the nations along the Sahel, millions of trees are now growing.

在内车道,距离你的车窗不到一码的距离,就是没有杂草的是山岩,向上磊成几近垂直路沿。On the inside lane, less than a yard outside your window, stands a wall of treeless rock that climbs upward in a nearly perpendicular line.

他们很快就会穿过北极圈进入其世代放牧的亚尔马半岛苔原带。Soon they will cross the Arctic Circle into the treeless tundra of the Yamal Peninsula, where the Nenets have been pasturing their animals for centuries.