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不要为一点小事就吵起来。Don't squabble over trifles.

你玩过摇摆争论吗?Have you ever played Wobble Squabble?

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我厌恶为钱事兴太太争吵。I hate to squabble with my wife about money.

但是这次冲突实际上是一场家庭争吵。But this conflict is really a family squabble.

因为基督教徒经常争吵。you know how Christians squabble all the time.

巴比特不常和雇员争吵。Babbitt did not often squabble with his employees.

后来,似乎一时冲动,莫迪和我发生口角。Then, seemingly on the spur of the moment, Morty started a squabble.

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可是您得承认,在这件事上,时间和地点都选得很不适宜。But you will agree that the time and place is ill-chosen for this squabble.

即使我刚和姐姐大吵了一场,她也总能使我舒怀微笑。She always made me smile, even after Sis and I had just had a big squabble.

有一次老师给我讲了一个中国男孩和一个美国女孩发生争执的故事。Once upon a time, or so my teacher told me, a Chinese boy and an American girl had a squabble.

另外,每星期六都为了钱而发生的争吵已使她开始感到说不出的厌倦。Besides , the invariable squabble for money on Saturday nights had begun to weary her unspeakably.

和一些其他组织一起,他们在这桩旷日持久的财产纷争上一直都是很重要的参与者。They and a few others were and are very much a party to the continuing squabble over Astor's fortune.

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这不仅仅是一次小小的口角之争,移动通信的变革将是对计算机世界有史以来的最大的一波打击。This is no mere squabble. The mobile revolution may be the biggest wave ever to hit the world of computing.

这是一篇轻幽默的问扎国内,讲的是一个小家庭之中因为丈夫“背叛”妻子而发生口角的事。This was a light -hearted article about a small family squabble where the husband “walked out” on his wife.

低等级的家伙们也不争斗。他们知道他们将失败。他们知道他们的位置,而且接受这一点。Low-ranked animals do not squabble. They know they would lose. They know their position, and they accept it.

朋友都会争论,会斗嘴,有时候甚至是打架,但这些都不会向对方关上彼此的大门。All friends will squabble and bicker, sometimes even fight, but none of this should close the door to each other.

使用任何一种身体上的武力降低你的等级,仅仅中等级的狗不安心自己的位置而争斗。Using physical force of any kind reduces your "rank. " Only middle-ranked animals insecure in their place squabble.

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但在节目中最有趣的可能还要属观看选手们会议室的羞赧与争论了。But perhaps the most entertaining feature of the show will be watching the hopefuls squirm and squabble in the boardroom.

中等级的动物争斗,他们不安心于他们的位置想要领先其他中级的家伙们。Middle-ranked animals squabble. They are insecure in their positions and want to advance over other middle-ranked animals.

早上七点钟,我们奉命起床,然后冲进浴室争先洗脸,然后胡乱吞下自己的那份面包和茶。At seven we were awakened, and rushed forth to squabble over the water in the bathroom, and bolt our ration of bread and tea.