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但是,最高法院没有就这一条款的合宪性作出裁决。But the court did not rule on the constitutionality of the provision itself.

他们在州宪法下评估州法律的合宪性。They evaluate the constitutionality of state laws under the state constitution.

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南方保守派公开挑战如此立法是否符合宪法精神。Southern conservatives did openly challenge the constitutionality of such legislation.

和国会的尊重和合宪性推定带有一个最高法院。And Congress comes to the Supreme Court with a presumption of deference and constitutionality.

在其他人立场不明的情况下,米勒质疑了失业补助是否违宪。Among other dubious positions, he has questioned the constitutionality of unemployment benefits.

大体上讲,芬兰法律的合宪性是通过议会的简易投票确认。In principle, the constitutionality of laws in Finland is verified by a simple vote in the parliament.

“孙志刚案件”再次引发各界对我国违宪审查的讨论和关注。Sun Zhigang case causes concern and discuss of the review of constitutionality among all circles again.

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把程序法治意识作为领导干部的必备思想素质。Regarding consciousness of procedural constitutionality as necessary ideological qualities for the leading cadres.

我们一贯确认,以种族为由来限制公民权利的措施不具宪法合法性。We have consistently denied the constitutionality of measures which restrict the rights of citizens on account of race.

行政法治的发展原则暗合政治文明发展的价值追求。The development principle of administration constitutionality is concordant to the value chase of political civilization.

田纳西最高法院后来确认这条法令符合宪法,但在技术上推翻斯考普斯的判罪。The Tennessee Supreme Court later upheld the constitutionality of the statute but overturned Scopes’ conviction on a technicality.

本文认为,切实保障宪法效力的关键是建立司法性质的合宪性审查制度。Key to guaranteeing the efficacy of the Constitution, it is argued, is to install a system of judicial review of constitutionality.

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检察官还要求法官在最高联邦法院作出裁决之前立即停止该法律的执行。The attorney general had also asked the judge to stop implementation of the law until a higher court rules on its constitutionality.

今天,我们在这里宣布对利比亚战争合宪性的法院诉讼。We are here today to announce the filing incredible court of a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the war against Libya.

当法院解释成文法或确定法令的合宪性时所拟定的规则也可以成为先例。The rule that the court lays down when interpreting a statute or ascertaining the constitutionality of a statute is also known as a precedent.

2009年10月,对台北地方法院在陈案中适用的司法程序,"宪法法院"裁定合宪。In October 2009 the Constitutional Court upheld the constitutionality of judicial procedures used by the Taipei District Court in the Chen case.

一些民主党人提出,奥巴马总统可以通过质疑所谓债务上限说法的合宪性,不理会相关法律来结束两党对峙的局面。Some Democrats have argued President Obama could end the standoff by challenging the constitutionality of the debt ceiling and ignoring the law.

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唯一有权解释宪法的是联邦法院并且它还可以评估联邦或州法律的合宪性。The federal courts have the sole authority to interpret the Constitution and to evaluate the federal constitutionality of federal or state laws.

对大宪章在英国宪政起源上的各种作用、影响作点思考,会给我们的宪政建设带来不少启迪。Today, our country is under the construction of constitutionality. Considering the value of Magna Carta charter will bring us some inspirations.

因之,对习惯法进行深入研究和合理利用是我们在追求法治目标进程中的必然选择。Therefore, it is the certainly choice for us to chase the purpose of constitutionality when we study the conventional law and make good use of it.