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我曾尝试寿司,在槟城和东京。I tried sushi at Penang and Tokyo.

槟城的买家,可以选择面交。For PENANG customer, we can MEET UP.

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早餐后离开浮罗交怡前往槟城。After breakfast depart to Penang Island.

是的,我们会去槟城,因为费用比较便宜。Yes, We will go to Penang. It is cheaper.

如果你到了槟城,这里是一定要来的。It's a must-visit if you find yourself in Penang.

我现在正在槟城其中一间学院主修会计系。Now I am penang one college majoring in accounting.

点了炒粿条和槟城福建虾面试试看。We ordered the Char Kway Teow and Penang Hokkien Prawn Mee.

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今天早上我与我的家人到达马来西亚槟城。I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.

上星期天,我带我从芙蓉来的朋友上槟城升旗山。Last Sunday, I bring my friend from Seremban to Penang Hill.

国泰航空公司来回香港至槟城机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Penang on CX.

马来西亚航空公司来回香港至槟城机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Penang on MH.

槟城没有天然资源来应对这场经济危机。Penang has no natural resources to fight the coming economic crisis.

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筹募教育与弘法活动基金。To raise funds for the YBAM Penang SLC education & dharma propagation.

由槟城文开小学学生呈献的二十四节令鼓。A 24 bit drum performance by primary school student of Wen Kai, Penang.

槟城的海南鸡肉饭,80-82槟城路,乔治敦槟城。Hainan chicken rice at Kheng Pin, 80-82 Jalan Penang, Georgetown Penang.

我想订一张明天从槟城飞泰国清迈的票子。I want to book a ticket from Penang to Chiang Mai, Thailand for Tomorrow.

在和毒蛇玩的槟榔小山的顶端的这个发狂的蛇魔术师是!This crazy snake charmer was at the top of Penang hill playing with vipers!

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据报道,梅拉华蒂已经被送往马来西亚西北部的槟榔屿一家医院接受治疗。She is now being treated in hospital on Malaysia's northwestern Penang island.

这也是富士康将低端产业转向类似槟榔屿这样的地方的另一原因。That's another reason Foxconn is sending more low-end work to places like Penang.

骑了96公里我们到达北海,在那里乘渡船前往槟城岛。At kilometer 96 we arrive Butterworth, where we take the ferry to the island Penang.