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术后复查有1例病灶残留,皮肤淤血5例,局部血肿7例。Subcutaneous ecchymosis was found in 5 patients and hematoma in 7 patients after operation.

延尺愈合的皮瓣远端有水泡或瘀斑。The clinical sign of delay healing shown blister or ecchymosis on distal part of skin flap.

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能显著改善急性软组织损伤家兔的损伤程度及病理组织学改变。The swelling and ecchymosis of injured rabbits and histopathological changes were improved.

扭伤局部因瘀阻而肿胀疼痛,伤处肌肤出现红肿青紫。Swelling and pain with redness or ecchymosis in the injured area because of the obstruction.

较长时间红外线瘀血区照射,也可促进瘀血的吸收。Much longer local infrared irradiation on ecchymosis field cought also have TSE absorbed effectively.

体格检查可发现患侧全踝关节周围瘀斑伴肿胀,而并非单单局限于患足外侧。Examination often reveals ecchymosis and swelling around the entire ankle joint, not just the lateral side.

报道的不良反应包括变态反应,头痛,恶心,腹泻,腹痛,血压变化,皮下淤斑。The reported aderse eents including allergic reaction, headache, nausea, diarrhea, bellyache, blood pressure change, and subcutaneous ecchymosis.

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报告的副反应事件包括过敏反应,头痛,恶心,腹泻,腹痛,血压改变,皮下瘀血。The reported adverse events including allergic reaction, headache, nausea, diarrhea, bellyache, blood pressure change, and subcutaneous ecchymosis.

报道的不良反应包括变态反应,头痛,恶心,腹泻,腹痛,血压变化,皮下淤斑。The reported adverse events including allergic reaction, headache, nausea, diarrhea, bellyache, blood pressure change, and subcutaneous ecchymosis.

实验组兔心包增生增厚、心肌变性、肺淤血和肝淤血。In the experimental group, there were proliferation and thickening of pericardium, myocardial degeration, pulmonary ecchymosis and hepatic ecchymosis.

观察复方冰红软胶囊对急性软组织损伤家兔损伤及病理改变的影响。Observed the swelling and ecchymosis of injured rabbits. Finally the injured tissue were made into paraffin slices and observed them from histopathology.

眶底骨折的患者往往有面部外伤的病史,表现为眶周水肿和淤血,且眶下缘有触痛。Patients with orbital floor fractures present after facial trauma with periorbital edema and ecchymosis associated with tenderness to palpation along the inferior orbital rim.