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大的爱就产生大的信心。Great love will beget great faith.

积极向上的思维可以产生积极的结果。Positive thoughts beget positive results.

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地球上的生命改变着地球以产生更多的生命。Life on Earth alters Earth to beget more life.

恶行会产生严重的后果。Evil deeds may beget many fateful consequences.

健康愉快,相生相成。Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other.

如果他再生几个小太阳,我们还有活路吗?What will be our future condition if he should beget other suns?

创造性问题带来创造性答案,至少这是一种希望。Creative questions beget creative answers -- at least, that's the hope.

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经济当然不会顾自运转,在遇到经济危机或衰退时尤其如此,经济层面压力的增加往往导致强烈的政治反应。when intensifying economic pressures often beget powerful political responses.

你忽略了那生你的磐石,忘记了那使你出世的天主。Thou hast forsaken the God that beget thee, and hast forgotten the Lord that created thee.

拥有搜索引擎优化的好办法、稳步的发展历史、出色的内容,有权威的导入链接,就会得到权威的地位。Good SEO practices, a steady history, great content, and other, authoritative inbound links beget authority status.

然而,这样对于历史放松的态度不一定能换来对上海传统积极地保护态度。Yet this more relaxed attitude towards history does not always beget more vigorous preservation of Shanghai’s heritage.

近亲婚配家族生育子女仍是出现遗传病和先天畸形儿的主要原因之一。Near relative wedding was still one of the main reasons to beget i nheri tance disease and congenital monstrosity infants.

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硒和镉能导致各组织中相应含量的增加,特别是主要分布器官可成数倍的浓集。Se, Cd could beget the increase of content of Se, Cd in rats' tissue, especially several times more of cumulation in main organa.

戏曲晚出应主要归因于封建专制统治以及以农业为主的自然经济的束缚。The late beget of theatre chiefly impute to feudal despotism and the bondage of natural economy that mainly comprised agriculture.

就像喜欢能衍生喜欢,良善也能引致爱与喜悦。倘若你是喜悦和快乐的,那麽你的生活也会充满喜悦和快乐。As like breeds like, even more so does good beget love and joy. Your life will be full of love and joy if you are joyful and happy.

数十年科技市场的发展清楚地显示,进步源于一波又一波的创新浪潮。As has been evident across technology markets for decades, advancement occurs in waves of innovation that beget other waves of innovation.

如果他们错了,他们可能会启动新的一轮恶性循环,在这轮循环中,公共开支削减会削弱世界经济,引起新的私人开支削减。If they’re wrong, they may set off a vicious new cycle, in which public spending cuts weaken the world economy and beget new private spending cuts.

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一个贸易壁垒能招致另一个。发展中国家以提高发达国家非农产品的进口关税作为对这种农业补贴的回应。One trade barrier can beget another. developing nations respond to the farm subsidies with import on non-farm products from industrialized countries.

实际上,如果数据库连接较少或者数据库服务器的响应速度较慢是整体性的,则嵌入一个或多个反向代理可以广泛获益。In fact, if the paucity of database connections or the laggardly response of your database server is systemic, embedding one or more reverse proxies could beget widespread gain.

1999年欧元诞生后,欧洲很多国家先是经历了10年的增长,似乎说明加强欧洲一体化确实会像之前说的那样会带来繁荣。A decade of growth across much of Europe initially followed the 1999 introduction of the euro, seeming to vindicate the promise that closer European integration would beget prosperity.