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维太里先生举起一只手。Signor Vitelli held up a hand.

这是卡萨诺瓦的宅邸吗?Is this the palazzo of Signor Casanova?

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当然了,这位先生所说的就是——急躁!Of course, the signor meant _headlong_!

谢谢您,子爵先生。各位,我们再排练一遍!Thank you, M. Le Vicomte, once more, if you please, Signor.

不错,在这种情形之下,他相信托洛尼亚先生一定肯帮忙的。True, he might in such a case rely on the kindness of Signor Torlonia.

目前的冠军弗拉特里先生,自1991年以来,年年获胜。Signor Fratelli, the present champion, has won it every year since 1991.

阿马托先生的政府在下议院仅以16席的优势占有多数席位。Signor Amato's government has only a 16-seat majority in the Chamber of Deputies.

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迈洛先生,趁你在这儿的时候,你一定得尝一下滋味,我们种的朝鲜蓟数世界第一。You must try some artichokes while you are here, Signor Milo, we grow the best in the world.

布拉伽迪尼大师很酷地告诉元老院,他可以制造600万枚达卡金币,甚至他们想要多少,他就制造多少。Signor Bragadini coolly informed the senate he could produce six million ducats or whatever they would require.

我们已经说过,房间是事先预定了的,所以他只要到派里尼老板的旅馆去就得了。An apartment, as we have said, had been retained beforehand, and thus he had but to goto Signor Pastrini's hotel.

派里尼老板回信说,他只有两间寝室和一间内房,在三楼上,租金很低廉,每天只要一个路易。Signor Pastrini replied that he had only two rooms and a parlor on the third floor, which he offered at the low charge of a louis per diem.

美国加州大学戴维斯分校的席格诺与现于柏克莱分校的李普斯,提出过一个可信的论证来反驳陨石说。A convincing counterargument came from paleontologists Philip Signor of the University of California at Davis and Jere Lipps, now at Berkeley.

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因而,里尼·美第奇可以在里奇银行办理一个转帐手续,从他的公开帐户里把100,000里拉划给里尼·巴尔迪。Thus, Signor Medici might write out a transfer order to the Ricci Bank to transfer 100,000 lira of his open book account at the Bank to Signor Bardi.

“好了,派里尼老板,”弗兰兹说道,“我的同伴现在不说话了,而你也知道我的性情是很爱和平的,那么告诉我这个罗吉·万帕是怎么样的一个人。Well, Signor Pastrini, " said Franz, "now that my companion is quieted, and you have seen how peaceful my intentions are , tell me who is this Luigi Vampa.

近卫军失望了,墨索里尼先生很快加入了俱乐部,他还不时到狮笼里玩耍。To the despair of his guards Signor Mussolini has become so attached to the now full-grown lioness that he insists on entering her cage for an occasional frolic.

我说当一件事情完全超出我的理解力之外的时候,我不愿去钻牛角尖,而情愿去想想另外的事,晚餐好了吗,派里尼老板?I say, that when a thing completely surpasses my comprehension, I am accustomed not to dwell on that thing, but to pass to another. Is supper ready, Signor Pastrini?

这就是墨索里尼先生常用的托词,用来解释他惊人的政治直觉,理论付诸于行动的令人不安的速度。Thus Signor Mussolini is wont to explain the promptings of his extraordinary political intuition— promptings which he has ever translated into action with disconcerting speed.

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派里尼老板一定觉得这种玩笑未免太讨苦吃了,因为他对这些问题只回答了一半,而且是向弗兰兹说的,只有弗兰兹似乎还象是在用心听他讲话似的。Doubtless Signor Pastrini found this pleasantry compromising, for he only answered half the question, and then he spoke to Franz, as the only one likely to listen with attention.