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她行为光明磊落。She conducts herself honourably.

你赢得很不体面啊。You did not win very honourably.

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首先,你应该问问你自己做得是否得当。First, ask yourself if you are acting honourably.

他不应该慷慨,公道而诚实地对待她吗?Ought he not to treat her generously, fairly, honourably ?

男人买东西与人砍价有失体面吗?。The man does shopping and bargains with people honourably.

不管他的理由如何,你得承认拉维的行为是令人尊敬的。Whatever his reasons, you had to admit Ravi acted honourably.

我很荣幸地寻求您的帮助在以下几个方面。I am honourably seeking your assistance in the following ways.

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在2003年该馆获得“最有价值的观光点”荣誉称号。In 2003 the museum was honourably mentioned as 'the best sightseeing place in the region.

2008年公司荣幸的被推选为“广东省模具协会理事企业”。We were elected honourably as the council member company of Guangdong Die & Mould Industry Association in 2008.

德军指挥官向麦奥利夫发出最后通牒,劝他保持尊严投降,否则必败。The German commander sent an ultimatum to McAuliffe requesting that he surrender honourably to avoid inevitable defeat.

在那里我马上向穷人馈赠很多东西,借着我带回来的巨大的财富生活的非常荣耀,也感到非常的疲劳。There I immediately gave large presents to the poor, and lived honourably upon the vast riches I had brought, and gained with so much fatigue.

一个被俘的军官获德军释放,向抗德司令部转达和德国「有限度合作」建议,司令部叫他「以荣誉解决这件事」。When one captured officer was released to deliver an offer of limited collaboration to the resistance command, the command told him to"solve the matter honourably".

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当我在海上被葡萄牙船长救起来时,受到他优厚、公正和仁慈的待遇,但我心里没有对上帝产生一点感激之情。When I was deliver'd and taken up at sea by the Portugal captain, well us'd, and dealt justly and honourably with, as well as charitably, I had not the least thankfulness on my thoughts.

在浪漫、迷人、淡雅的气氛中,品味“奶油蘑菇汤”的丝滑及“树莓慕斯”的甜润,尊享独墅湖畔的异国情调!Among the romantic, charming, elegant atmosphere, tasting the silky "Creamed Mushroom Soup" and sweet "raspberry mousse", you will honourably enjoy an exotic emotional appeal from the Dushan Lake.