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艾萝依摇晃着玛丽简的手臂。Eloise shook Mary Jane's arm.

瑞摩娜被吓坏了,只是抬头看着艾萝依。Ramona, extremely frightened, just looked up at Eloise.

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当格雷斯打开餐厅的灯时,艾萝依跳将起来。When Grace turned on the light in the dining room, Eloise jumped.

“你给我听着,”艾萝依说。“你干嘛要缩在这个角落睡觉?”"You heard me, " Eloise said. "Why are you sleeping way over here?"

艾萝依从窗座起身摸黑找她的鞋子。Eloise got up from the window seat and felt in the dark for her shoes.

艾露易丝导演电影吗?是的。她还在加州拥有十家电影院。Dose Eloise direct movies? Yes, she also owns ten movie theaters in California.

“你好,”艾萝依没开日光灯对着电话讲。"Hello, " Eloise said into the phone, without having turned the overhead light on.

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埃洛伊塞史密斯刚毕业的毛,但她仍然有助于在校园的社区园林。Eloise Smith just graduated from GW, but she still helps care for a community garden on campus.

艾萝依抓起瑞摩娜的膝盖,半举半拖把她给弄到床的中间。Eloise grabbed Ramona's ankles and half lifted and half pulled her over to the middle of the bed.

我和玛丽亚大笑一场,然后我们讨论了一会儿,都认为不欠圣爱洛伊丝什么。Maria and I had a good laugh, and then we talked it over, and we made out that I didn’t owe Sainte Éloise anything.

艾萝依离开客厅,然后开始借着来自下方餐厅的微暗亮光爬楼梯。Eloise left the living room and climbed the stairs, which were lighted very faintly by the overglow from the dining room.

由于避免了计算光流的一阶微分,该方法具有较好的鲁棒性。Since the computation of the first order derivatives of optical flow is completely avoided, this method is robust to image Eloise.

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我住在拉丁区圣爱洛伊斯路一个虽然脏,却房租便宜的小旅馆里,旅馆名叫苏珊·迈,用的是帝国时期一个名妓的名字。I was living in a dirty, cheap little hotel in the Rue Sainte Eloise up in the Latin quarter. It was called the Hotel Suzanne May, after some famous prostitute of the time of the Empire.