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这是我的苦处。This is my difficulty.

第一,入睡困难。First, difficulty sleeping.

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他对困难付诸一笑。He scoffs at the difficulty.

女人的难处呢?And the difficulty for women?

切莫见难而止。Never boggle at a difficulty.

再大的困难也不在话下。No difficulty amounts to much.

困难压不倒我们。No difficulty can overwhelm us.

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我们能战胜任何困难。We can overcome any difficulty.

他吞咽困难,只能喂些流质营养品。He had difficulty in swallowing.

什么困难也难不住我。I won't stick at any difficulty.

那困难很快就解决了。The difficulty soon raveled out.

那种困难吓不倒他。The difficulty did not daunt him.

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他毫无困难地掌握了课文。He got the lesson without difficulty.

她好容易才忍住了眼泪。She restrained tears with difficulty.

他们没费多大劲就找到了盘子。They had no difficulty in finding it.

他学英语不太费劲。He studies English without difficulty.

这一项目有许多困难。This project involves much difficulty.

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他没来,这增加了我们的困难。His not coming added to our difficulty.

这老人爬楼有困难了。The old man stepped up with difficulty.

珂赛特也不难跟上他。Cosette followed him without difficulty.