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目的探讨家栖鼠对抗凝血杀鼠剂的抗药性变化。Objective To study the anticoagulant rodenticide resistance in commensal rodents.

分别用脂肪酸鉴定法和荧光微生物法鉴定赤潮藻中共生菌的种类。Using fatty acid and fluorescence to identify the commensal bacterium from red tide.

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他们被称为共生细菌,而在正常情况下是无害的。They are known as commensal bacteria, which under normal circumstances cause no harm.

卫生的好坏对家鼠密度的影响较大,其中对褐家鼠的影响更显著。The hygiene level had a great influence on the population density of commensal rodents.

中国当代艺术图像也因此呈现出了多元、共生、繁盛的面貌。Therefore, Chinese contemporary art images show pluralism, commensal and prosperous features.

PDV对寄生蜂本身是非致病性的,与寄生蜂是一种分子水平上的共生或依生关系。Thus, the PDVs are commensal and mutualistic, but non-pathogenic, with parasitoids at molecular level.

目的研究敌鼠钠盐和溴敌隆在广西家鼠鼠疫疫源地的灭鼠效果。Objective To study effects of diphacine na-salt and bromadiolone against commensal rodent in Guangxi plague area.

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而且发达国家大规模爆发肠道疾病的可能性很小,使共栖菌被消灭的危险性也大大降低。Widespread outbreaks of intestinal disease are so rare that the commensal bacteria face little danger of extermination.

结论敌鼠钠盐仍值得在广西家鼠鼠疫疫源地中继续应用。Conclusion Diphacine na-salt was one of the best anticoagulant rodenticide against commensal rodent in Guangxi plague area.

瓶子,尤其已经第二年的,其内共生的生物会协助消化作用。Digestion in the pitcher is aided, especially during the second year, by the commensal organisms that live in the pitchers.

目的探讨长期持续应用抗凝血剂灭鼠对鼠类种群结构的影响。Objective To inquire into the influence of continuous application of rodenticides on the community structure of commensal rodents.

结论长期持续使用抗凝血剂能导致鼠类种群结构的变化。Conclusion Long term application of Anticoagulant rodenticides can result in the variation of community structure of commensal rodents.

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菌,白色念珠菌,作为一个正常的共生和侵入性病原体在人类宿主的上皮细胞相互作用。The fungus, Candida albicans, interacts with epithelial cells in the human host both as a normal commensal and as an invasive pathogen.

仅通过添加少量电化学调整剂实现了硫化共生矿石的无捕收剂电化学浮选。The collectorless electrochemistry flotation of commensal sulphur minerals is realized by adding a small quantity of electrochemical regulators.

目的了解武汉城区居民住宅、一般单位、重点单位室内家栖鼠种群构成。Objective To investigate indoor commensal rodent population structure in populated area, general institutions and emphasis institutions indoor in Wuhan.

按照他们的理论,正是这些阑尾中的生物薄膜给共栖菌提供了一个避难所,因为阑尾在人体内的有利位置使共栖菌避免受到其他肠道病原体的侵袭。Under their theory, it is in these biofilms in the appendix, well positioned to avoid pathogens in the rest of the gut, that commensal bacteria take refuge.

由于与共生菌共存程度的异化性导致巨噬细胞和眼表上皮细胞的不同。The difference between macrophages and ocular surface epithelial cells may be caused by the dissimilarity in the degree of coexistence with commensal bacteria.

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自1986年以来开展大规模灭鼠活动,并未改变此规律,但使家鼠密度显著下降。Since 1986, the regularity has not changed because of extensive commensal rodent control campaign which has made the density of commensal rodent to decline obviously.

此外,为了在机体内自我保护,共生菌能与机体内的免疫细胞受体作用,甚至诱导免疫系统中某种免疫细胞的产生。What's more, to protect themselves inside the body, commensal bacteria can interact with immune cell receptors or even induce the production of certain immune system cells.

结论城市环境改造和人为干预活动,改变了鼠类栖息的生态环境和栖息场所,家栖鼠的群落结构也发生了相应变化。Conclusion The variation of commensal rodents' community structure in Suzhou was due to the rodents' habitat destroyed for municipal construction and the human's intervention.