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旧的HDTV也有DVI接口。Older HDTVs have DVI ports too.

这就使得DVI在连接功能上更灵活。This makes DVI one of the more versatile newer connectors.

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美国应用抗凝药预防深静脉血栓的情况如何?What is the status of anticoagulant for the prophylaxis of DVI in USA at present?

目前,在电脑和娱乐系统中使用的最主要的两种数字连接线就是HDMI和DVI。The two main digital connectors used on computers and entertainment systems today are HDMI and DVI.

USB转DVI和USB转VGA的图形转接器使之非常容易的增加一块显示器到笔记本上。This USB to DVI and USB to VGA graphics adapters let it easily add an additional monitor to a notebook.

当然,由于数字信号都是相互兼容的,你也可以用转接头把它和HDMI或DVI端口连接起来。You can also connect it to an HDMI or DVI port with aconvertor, since the digital signal is compatible.

尽管目前许多液晶电视和电脑显示器依然支持VGA输入,但是用DVI或HDMI连接时,显示效果最佳。While many current LCD TVs and computer monitors still accept VGA input, they generally work best with DVI or HDMI.

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将24针的DVI信号线的一端连接显示器该端口,另一端连接您的电脑对应接口。Connect one end of the 24-Pin DVI signal cable to this connector, and the other end to the 24-Pin DVI connector on your PC.

一些DVI线缆或者端口,为低分辨率设备设计的时候可以少几针,所以你要仔细查看针数。Some DVI cables or ports may include fewer pins if they are designed for lower resolution devices, so you’ll need to watch for this.

其目的是在保健产品、安全食品、预防和控制牲畜疾病和人畜共患病领域作出贡献。The aim of the DVI is to contribute to the production of healthy and safe food and to the prevention and control of diseases in livestock and zoonoses.

本篇重点介绍和DVI数字显示密切相关的VESA显示标准,通过这些技术规范的介绍将现代显示技术的基本原理更加清晰地展示出来。VESA criterion in relation to DVI digital display has been introduced, through which the basic principle of modern display technology has been clearly revealed.

如果你的视频输出支持模拟视频信号,你可以用DVI转VGA转换器,轻松的连接DVI端口和只有VGA端口的旧式显示器。You can also connect an older monitor that only includes a VGA port with a DVI port easily via a similar DVI to VGA converter if your video output supports analog video.

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目前,显示器已向多功能和数字视频方向发展,DVI必将迅速成为数字视听设备的标准接口。Currently, multifunction and digital visual are becoming the most attractive technology in display devices, DVI will quickly become the standard interface of digital visual and audial devices.