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她被人们誉为电视剧皇后。She was rewarded as the queen of the teleplay.

在中国大陆,电视剧市场正逐步成熟。In Chinese Mainland, teleplay market matured gradually.

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说说你最近看过的精彩电视剧或电影!Talk about a wonderful teleplay or film you have watched recently!

小说与影视的结合在当代文艺界十分寻常。It is very common that literature and teleplay connect in literature world.

电视剧的美学追求是“日常生活的审美化”。The aesthetics pursue of teleplay is "the aestheticization of everyday life".

许多人都没有像是小说,电视剧和动漫主人公一样的天赋异禀。Many people do not have the gift like the heroes in the novels, teleplay and manga.

艺术的“整一性”是所有艺术形式的美学原则,电视剧也是如此。The "unity" is the aesthetics principle for all of the art forms, including teleplay.

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理想的电视剧修辞的深层结构应由形式与意义双向建构而成。Ideal teleplay rhetoric has its deep structure which should be made up by the form and the meaning.

未取得发行许可的电视剧,不得发行、播出和评奖。No teleplay shall be allowed to distribute, broadcast, and award without of a distribution license.

军旅剧经过近30年的发展,在内容与形式上均有了较为成熟的表现。Legionary teleplay has a full character both in content and format after nearly 30 years development.

所以,收视率高的电视剧未必有大量年轻观众拥趸。So, a large number of young audiences embrace the teleplay unlikelihood with high viewing rate wholesale.

每部电视剧都是一个人生,所以看电视剧就相当于经历一次不一样的人生,而且不用花费太大的代价。Each teleplay is one life, So watch tv as if experience once inequable life, And that don, t cost oversize expense.

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目前在全国范围内,军旅题材电视剧正经历着“激情燃烧的岁月”。Throughout of the country, the legionary teleplay is going through the new times of "the years of intense emotion".

其场面之壮观,是我国电视剧史上所未有的。The grand scale and some magnificent scenes or occasions in the play are unprecedented in the Chinese teleplay history.

现在亚马逊提供的数字内容服务包括影片、电视剧和音乐下载等等。The digital content service that Yamaxun provides now includes symphonious happy download waits film, teleplay a moment.

指导和协调全国电视剧题材规划工作,跟踪管理电视剧生产制作状况。To guide and coordinate the programs for national teleplay subjects, track and manage the teleplay production and making.

第三十条电视台在播出电视剧前,应当核验依法取得的电视剧发行许可证。Article 30 The TV stations shall check Teleplay Distribution Licenses lawfully obtained before the teleplays are broadcasted.

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电视剧在我国走过了五十年的发展历程,在数量上和质量上都有了质的飞跃。The teleplay industry has experienced a fifty-year development course, and has gained a qualitative leap in both quantity and quality.

在本文中,笔者运用心理学、修辞学等方法对军旅剧诸种特点形成的原因进行了尝试性分析。The author tried to analyze the reason which how the characters of legionary teleplay form using psychology and rhetoric in this thesis.

境内合作者中也应有一方为广播电视节目制作经营机构或电视剧制作机构。Either domestic or overseas cooperator shall be a radio and television program production institution or a teleplay production institution.