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凯伊爵士出现了,他押送这位美国佬到卡米洛。Sir Kay appears and escorts the Yankee to Camelot.

各地的骑士们,欢迎各位来到camelot。Knights of the realm, it's a great honor to welcome you to Camelot.

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最近上映的一部电视剧是以卡米洛特的神话为题材的。A new television series is the latest dramatisation of the Camelot myth.

想进入古英的梦幻世界吗?那就来卡默洛特公园吧!To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England, come to Camelot Park!

亚瑟和他美丽的妻子桂妮薇娅,住在卡米洛特城堡。Arthur lived in a castle called Camelot with his beautiful wife, Guinevere.

亚瑟和他美丽的妻子桂妮薇娅,住在卡米洛特城堡。Arthur lived in a castle called Camelot with his beautiful wife, Guinevere.

你可以称它为卡米洛特效应也可以说这仅仅是由于人们爱管闲事。You can call it the Camelot effect or maybe it's just that people are nosy.

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哈迪使人想起亚瑟王宫殿和巨石阵,你们也许会阅读它,弄明白它,是什么呢?As Hardy evokes Camelot and Stonehenge, you might read this, understand this as, what?

此概念源自英国传说里的亚瑟王与其圆桌骑士在卡默洛特时代的习俗。The idea stems from the Arthurian legend about the Knights of the Round Table in Camelot.

在集体心理,这可能看起来卡米洛特的童话来生活。In terms of collective psychology, this can seem like Camelot , a fairy tale come to life.

我们的工作项目被他的一个朋友介绍而使他引起了注意,之后杰克便走近了卡米洛特工程。Jake approached Project Camelot after our work had been brought to his attention by a friend.

据齐塔所言,“卡米洛工程”和“地平线工程”都是在测试民众的易受欺诈水平。Per the Zetas, both Project Camelot and the Horizon Project to test the public's gullibility.

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卡梅洛特公司仍在等待中奖人前来领取大奖。Camelot is waiting for the winning ticket holder to come forward and claim unimaginable riches.

卡美洛特王朝已经陨落﹗亚瑟王逝去,梅林失踪,国库被掠夺。Camelot has fallen! King Arthur is dead, Merlin is missing, and the treasury has been plundered.

媒体神化柯莱特的夫妇,一个城市的野蛮削减不切实际的恋人。The media apotheosized the couple as starry-eyed lovers out of Camelot cut down by an urban savage.

师从梅林,却一直想要推翻亚瑟王的卡米洛特政权。She studies under Merlin, but is plotting all the time to overthrow Arthur and his court at Camelot.

在1977年,这里被售给一个叫卡米洛特花园的私人组织,他们把这里建成了一个博物馆。In 1977, the family sold the estate to a private group called Camelot Gardens, which opened it as a museum.

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肯尼迪先生说出了他最被人铭记的话语,用亚瑟王般亲民之志的浪漫包裹了他对民主党理念的执着。Mr. Kennedy delivered his most memorable words, wrapping his dedication to party principles in the gauzy cloak of Camelot.

于是我宣布今天为20周年庆典,以庆祝神龙被囚以及我们摆脱邪恶的魔法。So I declare a festival to celebrate 20 years since the great dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery.

林努力让自己的角色没那么矫挠造作,但台词毫无感觉不对味儿。Lin makes a valiant effort at making her role less twee, though fails to overcome her cliched lines on peace and Camelot ideals.