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很难去设想一个更恶名昭彰的背叛。It's hard to conceive of a more egregious betrayal.

接下来的任务是应对那些最乐于把事件推向极端的人。The second task is to deal with the most egregious envelope- pushers.

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曾看过高手用此种砍刀手起刀落劈下整个牛头的照片,劈砍力是相当惊人!I've seen a picture that a man cut an ox's head with it. How egregious !

肖娜说,“对于这个严重错误,我真的很抱歉。”Shawna says, "I can't tell you how sorry we are for this egregious mistake."

如果他们犯有拼写或者严重的语法错误,他们将会因此失分。If they have spelling or egregious grammar errors, they get points taken off.

谈到大众谣言,没有比预算数字更令震恐的。When it comes to blatant lies there are none more egregious than budget figures.

顺便再说一句,是的,我从没见过披萨罗,但我喜欢以他的名字命名的馅饼。It is pronounced "egregious". By the way, no, I've never met Pizzaro but I love his pies.

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公众普遍支持对那些罪恶滔天的罪犯执行死刑。And there is widespread public support for the principle of executing egregious criminals.

却有一支恶名昭彰的女子舞蹈队,几乎没有在任何比赛中获得过奖项。Have an egregious woman dancing group however, did not obtain overpraise in any matches almost.

民主党参议员理查德•布鲁门塔呼吁尽快着手改革,消灭这种“臭名昭彰的传染病”。Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal called for swift reform to stop this "egregious epidemic".

同样,更过分的多种形式的“买美国货”规定显然都未能得逞。Similarly, the more egregious forms of the Buy America provision appear to have been circumvented.

或许什么也没学到,只知道即便是最为卑劣的自我推销手段也终会为世人谅解。Probably none, except that even the most egregious act of self--promotion will be forgiven in time.

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更糟糕的是,该公司员工能够让员工飞到美国来做这个工作。What is even more egregious is that the company was ableto fly the workers into the USto do the work.

该联邦法院又补充道,这起事件比起其他审判中发生的同类事件更为“恶劣”。It was, said this federal court, a more "egregious" example of this than had occurred in other jurisdictions.

去年十月,加州开始施行2005年通过的真实身法法案中一些不那么苛刻的条款。Last October, California started to comply with some of the less egregious aspects of the Real ID Act of 2005.

填字游戏的死忠们可不觉得帮他们填字是是件好事,相反,他们觉得这是在严重侵犯他们的隐私。Crossword diehards don't view what you did as helping. Rather, they consider it an egregious invasion of privacy.

由于许多侵犯劳工权益的行为都很恶劣和嚣张,因此在绝大多数的案件中都是劳方胜出。And because most labour rights abuses are so flagrant and egregious , in the vast majority of cases, the workers win.

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在两种情况下,被测者都认为不成功的故意谋杀比成功的意外杀害更不可原谅。In both cases, volunteers judged unsuccessful attempts at murder to be more egregious than cases of accidental killing.

善待动物组织和其他动物权益组织已经发表声明,恳求中国居民不要跟随这股买兔风。PETA and other animal rights groups have issued statements imploring Chinese residents not to buy into the egregious trend.

与气球男孩父母的惊人骗局或者公众对扬、凯特戈瑟琳的争论截然不同。Which is a far cry from the egregious deceptions of the Balloon Boy parents or the public wrangling of Jon and Kate Gosselin.