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我并不幼稚。I’m not naive.

简直是幼稚。That is naive.

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佢系个天真嘅孩子。He is a naive child.

请不要太天真。Please don’t be naive.

我们不要太天真。Let's not be naive here.

得承认,我很天真。I'll admit it, I was naive.

潮妹天真,玩波踏浪。Naive tide girls, play wave.

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那么,查拉斯的梦想是否幼稚了些?So is Charas a naive dreamer?

憨豆先生罗温·艾金森。Naive bean Sir Luowen · Aijinsen.

让我永远天真羁狂下去。Let me always naive Headstall mad.

活泼的红,甜美的粉,天真的蓝。Lively red, sweet pink naive blue.

并不天真,但理想主义。Naive it is not. Idealistic, it is.

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与其说她是天真不如说她幼稚无知。She is not so much artless as naive.

我会越来越老成,却不会丢掉最初的天真。I'll get old, but not lose first naive.

彼得由于讲了一些幼稚的话而被讪笑。Peter was laughed at for his naive remarks.

哎讶,我们大一的时候看起来多天真讶!Ah, how naive we were when we were freshmen!

思想单纯的人很容易受到他人的欺骗。A naive person is apt to be cheated by others.

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现在,这是谎言还是天真的假话?Now, is that a lie or a naive false statement?

身处攀岩圈,我们不该太幼稚。As a climbing community, we shouldn't be naive.

妻子和我都不幼稚,我们也不再是孩子了。My wife and I are not naive and we're not kids.