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那些男孩们彬彬有礼,尊敬长辈。The boy were well mannered and respectful toward grown-ups.

我们应该教育孩子们讲文明、懂礼貌。We should teach the children to be polite and well mannered.

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坤好绅士,也很有礼貌。很喜欢他!Khun is so gentleman and well mannered. Gotta love him a lot!

拂逆地吐痰,在街上吐痰是很紧张的坏习气。Spitting in the street is considered to be very bad mannered.

钱特尔会认为表现出吃惊是失态的。Chantal would have considered it ill- mannered to show surprise.

确保所有员工接受培训,态度正确,友好和遵守纪律。Ensures that the staff is highly disciplined, motivated, friendly and well mannered.

下面略带数例,说明彬彬有礼的人该做或不该做的事情。Here are some examples of the things that a well- mannered person does or does not do.

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我们要弄清其他民族的风俗习惯,否则人家便会以为我们粗野无礼。We must find out the customs of other races, so that they will not think us ill- mannered.

在美国,心胸狭窄的官员,粗鲁的传者,和没有礼貌的计程车司机也并不少见。Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US.

在美国,心胸狭窄的官员,粗鲁的传者,和没?礼貌的出租车司机也并不少见。Small--minded officials, rude waiters, and ill mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US.

心胸狭隘的官员、粗鲁的侍者和无礼的出租车司机在美国也不乏其人。Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill- mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US.

他们有序的并列布置,带着谦虚的态度,创造了一个新的空间形态。They mannered a juxtaposed way and took temperate altitude to create a new spatial shape of space.

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客气并不只是包含考虑稹密、礼貌文雅和举止端详,还浮现在谦逊和谨慎。Keqi not only means considerate polite and well mannered but also represents humbleness and modesty.

你也许会容忍个把横冲直撞的讨厌司机,可是,当今社会彬彬有礼的驾车者实在是太少了。You might tolerate the odd road hog, but nowadays the well- mannered motorist is the exception to the rule.

美国国家青年舞会联盟每年都会发布一份“十佳优雅人士”的榜单。Each year, the National League of Junior Cotillions of the US releases a list of the Ten Best Mannered People.

在介入这些勾当的过程中,本人交友了一些很好的伴侣,学到了为人处事的办法,熬炼了本身的才能。Participate in these activities in the process, I made some very good friends and learned mannered method, has exercised own ability.

在当今推搡冲撞现象横行、先进却激进的社会中,这样有礼貌的人着实难寻。Such well mannered people are hard to find these days, when shoving 9, jostling and pushing is very common in our advanced but aggressive society.

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很难相信这个彬彬有礼,衣着光鲜的绅士就是那个15年前顽劣无比,令所有人头痛,令其父母无地自容的坏小孩。It is hard to believe that the well- mannered and well-dressed gentleman is the incurable bad boy who was headaching everybody and put his parents in shame 15 years ago.

住宅结合了现代新西兰的理念,设计与施工的方式,同时也大部分地保持了别墅端庄的语言和姿态。The House in Herne Bay integrates contemporary New Zealand ideals, design and construction, whilst maintaining much of the language and posture of the well mannered Villa.

他讲话时举止适度,措辞准确,同那些由辉格党人、和平主义者、草案抵制者以及嘻皮士所组成的大杂烩截然不同,这些人二十五年前创建了该组织。Mild mannered and precise when he speaks, he is a far cry from the mix of Quakers, pacifists, drafts resisters and hippies who founded the organization a quarter-century ago.