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这些盒子有什么用?What are these boxes fot?

这个假日每个人都享受其中。A holiday fot everyone to enjoy.

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就是为了今天,我会尽力心强志坚。Just fot today I will be unafraid.

他被誉为发明麻醉药的第一人。He was credited fot inventing the first anesthetic.

因此,我认为“临终”这个词非常不妥。Fot this reason, I find the word "terminal" very upsetting.

拼命去争取,但不要期望一定会成功。Strive fot success, but not expect fot it with absolute confidence.

我会在两条主干道交叉口的街心花园里等你。I will wait fot you in the park at the intersection of two main roads.

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有限力程部分对声速的影响很小。The effect of finite-range force fot the speed of sound is very small.

爱是一个无穷无尽的迷,因为没有任何其他东西能够解释它。Love is an endless mystery, fot it has nothingelse to explain it. -----Tagore.

由于葡萄酒与酒渣接触时间过长而带上的令人不快的味道。Taste of lees. Unpleasat taste acquired by wines kept fot too long on their lees.

他们学习当地语言是为了和当地人交际往来。They learned the native language fot the purpose of communicating with the native people.

彩色的,你知道现在有钱人喜欢看数码电视了。所以家里没地方放。It is a color TV. You know , the rich people like the digital one now. So they have no room fot them.

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是指香港大学不接受任何转专业的请求吗?Please also note that the University may not entertain any request in future fot transfer of curriculum.

汗青上,不断是温州市闻名的光纤收发器的手工艺品,也是对青瓷的发源地之一。Historically, Wenzhou has been a city renowned fot its handicrafts and also as one of the birthplaces of celadon.

狗的38条常染色体探针在小熊猫染色体上共检出71个同源片段。Dog probes specific fot the 38 automates delineated 71 homologous segments in the metaphase chromosomes of red panda.

爱情是当同情、激情和浪漫统统消失以后,你发现自己仍然难以忘却的那个人。Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion and the romance, and you find out you still care fot that person.

特别适合于机场候机楼、车站、码头、商场、体育场馆、小区物业、厂矿车间等较大范围的高空续作业。It is especially good fot long time work at airport terminals, stations, docks, shopping markets, stadiums and work shops.

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结果表明,利用太谷核雄性不育基因进行小麦轮回选择是有效的。The results indicated that use of the Taigu male-sterile single dominant gene is effective fot recurrent selection of wheat.

因为,父亲曾教过他,道德的问题就是简单的对与错的问题,只是将其付诸行动时会很难。Fot as his father taught him, ethics are simple matters of tight and wrong. It is only the practice of ethics that is difficult.

斜井车场CAD软件包SPCC具有设计、绘制各种形式的斜井甩车场、平车场的功能。SPCC CAD software package fot inclined shaft station has functions of designing and graphing inclined shaft gathering station and flat station.