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这座宫殿曾是阴谋诡计的策源地。The palace was a nest of intrigue.

这回博尔曼的阴谋破产了。Bormann's intrigue had fallen through this time.

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此剧显示了专工喜剧性的特点。The play shows great concern for comic intrigue.

他从不参与政治阴谋玷污自己。He never dirtied his hands with political intrigue.

诡秘通常集中在她那神秘莫测的微笑里。Intrigue is usually focused on her enigmatic smile.

你是热情的,却够不上阴谋水平。You're hot, with a level of intrigue that few attain.

兴奋或困扰,分享你所经历的一切。Share the excitement or intrigue you have experienced.

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勾心斗角在每个单位都司空见惯。Intrigue against each other is quotidian in every company.

作恶违背圣约的人,他必用巧言勾引He shall seduce with intrigue those who violate the covenant.

政治家不再处于统治地位,贪污腐败天天在滋长,阴谋诡计代替了公共美德,一切都在变腐朽。Intrigue took the place of public virtue, and all deteriorated.

然而今年他们却受到不合乎常规的阴谋的困扰。However this year they have been beset with uncustomary intrigue.

很有可能是个政治动荡和外交纷争的杂烩。Probably with mixture of political upheaval and diplomatic intrigue.

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年轻的女主人公陷入了学术界钩心斗角的罗网之中。The young heroine steps into a web of intrigue in the academic world.

大妒嫉者,野心炽盛,并以机狡为乐。The person with great envy has strong ambitions and delights in intrigue.

你对烧烤、煎牛排、煎腰饼、砂锅炖肉感兴趣吗?Are you intrigue with grilling or frying steak or kidney-pie or casserole?

很多人因为夺权谋位而勾心斗角。There are many people who intrigue against each other for power and position.

由于住在华盛顿,他习惯了阴谋和政治欺诈。Living in Washington he became accustomed to intrigue and political skullduggery.

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该电影讲述的是发生在尼日利亚三角洲某古代宫廷阴谋政变的故事。It shows intrigue and thievery at the court of an ancient king in the Niger Delta.

阴谋与欺骗看来尾随着几乎每一个政党的管理。Intrigue and deceit seem to dog the management of just about every political party.

也许,最大的秘密还在于沙舍夫斯基的轮换阵容。Perhaps the biggest intrigue will center on how Krzyzewski constructs the rotation.