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我却不同意。I disagree.

或者你不同意?Do you disagree?

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农民不同意。The farmers disagree.

我冒昧地不同意。I venture to disagree.

不要说同意或者不同意。Don't agree or disagree.

再说一次,我必须表示不同意。Again, I have to disagree.

我就是不赞成这一点。I just disagree with that.

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多少人不同意丹呢?How many disagree with Dan?

我猜想你不同意。I gather that you disagree.

这点,有些有神论不同意。Here, some theists disagree.

关于这一点,我和她意见不同。She and I disagree about it.

看来多数表示同意。So more agree than disagree.

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但是很多人不敢苟同。But many profoundly disagree.

不同意我的结论?Disagree with our conclusion?

我对你的两个观点均不敢苟同。I disagree with you on boths.

那他是否不同意保罗的观点?So does he disagree with Paul?

我一吃草莓就不恬逸。Strawberries disagree with me.

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我们对公报持异议。We disagree to the communique.

然而瓦肖的监护人不同意。Yet Washoe's keepers disagree.

梁吉成却不同意退出。Liang Ji into disagree to exit.