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现在它已停靠在克里斯托弗街和谢立丹广场站了。Now it is at Christopher Street and Sheridan Square.

观众中有电影制作人吉姆·谢里登和一些电影明星。Among the audience were moviemaker Jim Sheridan and some movie stars.

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雪利敦路有个罗伯特C。布朗,但是号码没有列入电话簿。I have a Robert C. Brown on Sheridan Road, but it's an unlisted number.

周宾顿,安大略谢里丹老师教的课程,前迪斯尼动画师。Weekly Brampton, Ontario course taught by Sheridan instructor, former Disney animator.

迄今,835名青少年,我们建议作进一步评估或治疗,Sheridan表示。So far, 835 young peoplehave been referred for further evaluation or treatment, said Sheridan.

同为国会的辉格党成员理查德·谢里登和詹姆士·福克斯不赞同伯克而与他分裂。Fellow Whig MPs Richard Sheridan and Charles James Fox disagreed with Burke and split with him.

理查德?谢里丹著名的18世纪喜剧,讽刺了。A famous 18th-century play by Richard Sheridan about gossip, hypocrisy, and false sentimentality.

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信息申请程序,以及链接到其他动画节目在谢里登。Information on applying to the program, as well as links to other Animation programs at Sheridan.

关于支持数字化图书馆项目,肖瑞丹图书馆拥有什么内在支持的资源?What are the internal supporting factors Sheridan Libraries possess in supporting DL initiatives?

汤米·谢里丹今天蹲在监狱里,因为默多克个人对其进行的怨恨。Tommy Sheridan is in jail today because of a vendetta by Murdoch personally to ‘get this little communist’.

英国野生动物导游马克·谢里登在这个保护区游历时捕捉了这个情节。British wildlife guide Mark Sheridan captured the action during a tour of the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania.

格兰特和他的士兵们,如威廉·T.谢尔曼和菲尔·谢里登开始无情地进攻南部邦联。Grand and soldiers such as William T. Sherman and Phil Sheridan began pushing the Southern armies relentlessly.

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菲利斯·福格先生于1872年居住在伯灵顿花园萨维尔街7号,1814年时谢里登就是在这里过世的。Mr Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814.

斐利亚福克先生住,于1872年,在第7号,赛微乐街,伯灵顿花园,房子中,谢里登在1814年去世。Mr. Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814.

谢里登生产大,黑,康和式浆果是非常成熟的季节末大,小型集群。Sheridan produces large, compact clusters with large, black, Concord-type berries that ripen very late in the season.

在运动员入场式中,美国队旗手、铁饼冠军马丁·谢里登在经过爱德华七世的包厢时拒绝将星条旗倾斜行点旗礼,以此作为回应。Sheridan responded by refusing to dip the Stars and Stripes when he passed King Edward VII's box in the parade of athletes.

这说明历史探索福特谢里登的许多方面,需要读者通过军事上的人生旅程。This illustrated history explores the many aspects of Fort Sheridan and takes the reader on a journey through military life.

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谢里登说,在美国大多数人不缺乏,但额外用一点能提高免疫力。Most people in the United States aren't deficient but could use a little extra to sharpen their immune systems, Sheridan says.

福特谢里登是美国骑兵和炮兵的训练营地,进行了极为丰富的传统,和妇女军团。Fort Sheridan is a place rich in the traditions of the U. S. cavalry and artillery, of training camps, and the Womens Army Corps.

谢里顿认为,鼓励员工对老板说“不”,可以使企业高层获得一些新的好点子。Encouraging employees to say no to the boss ensures that smart new ideas bubble to the top levels of an organization, Sheridan says.