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一份健怡可乐。A diet cola, please.

什么是最佳的减肥餐?What is the best diet?

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你在节食中破戒了吗?Did you go off your diet?

你靠节食来保持身材么?Do you diet to keep slim?

多少人支持低碳水化合物饮食How many a low carb diet?

饮食中减少盐的摄入。Reduce salt in your diet.

你的减肥餐是什么呢?What's on your diet menu?

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多少人支持低卡路里饮食How many low calorie diet?

你可以写一本减肥书You can write a diet book.

我能要几瓶健怡可乐吗?Can I have some diet cokes?

饮食也是一个关键因素。Diet was also a key factor.

低蛋白质组。IUGR low-protein diet group.

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他是一星期前开始节食的.He began his diet a week ago.

好的,要一杯健怡可乐。Okay , one diet coke, please.

想要吃得更香吗?Want to enjoy diet food more?

食物治療胜过于医生的治療。Diet cures more than a doctor.

这一周的减肥进行得怎样了?How'sthe diet going this week?

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她还喝了太多无糖百事可乐。She drank too much Diet Pepsi.

给你的食谱上添加一点咖喱。Add a little curry to your diet.

我习惯于简单的饮食。I am accustomed to a spare diet.