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轴距结构。Wheelbase structure.

简单一点的子问题的最优方案来解决问题。Optimal sub structure.

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结构是什么样的?What is the structure?

光斑的精细结构。Fine structure of faculae.

二是队伍结构形成梯队。The team structure is rundle.

定义系统结构。Defining the system structure.

汉字部件结构。Ideograph Component Structure.

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环形山是碗状凹坑结构。Pit craters are bowl structure.

你们看过利率期限结构图了I showed you the term structure.

但是,它将具有结构。It will, however, have structure.

肌肉构造和反射弧。Muscle structure and reflex arcs.

这是一个金字塔形的结构。This is a pyramid-like structure.

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这样的结构告诉我们什么?What does this structure tell us?

雷峰塔的重建采用了钢结构。It was rebuilt by steel structure.

使整个结构保持灵活。Keep the whole structure flexible.

自我价值感的结构。Structure of the self-value sense.

腺嘌呤具有嘌呤环的结构。Adenine has a purine ring structure.

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并验算了结构的成桥应力。Checking the stree of the structure.

您会如何增强这个结构呢?How might you enhance the structure?

销售结构因此值得信任。By that the structure gets trustable.