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孩子们常在公园玩跷跷板。The children often teeter in the park.

你会在失败的边沿摇摇欲坠地行走。You should teeter on the brink of failure.

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修理了餐厅的桌子使它不再摇晃?Fixed the dining room table so it doesn’t teeter?

这样的应用程序介于瘦客户机和富客户机之间。Such applications teeter between thin client and rich client.

当他们踏上摇摇欲坠的银行是非常可爱的。Their teeter when stepping onto the bank is extremely lovely.

许多物种已经被逼入绝境,更多的如今踉跄在生死之间。Many have been driven to extinction, and many more now teeter on the brink.

希腊政府濒临破产,其他国家的经济也是摇摇欲坠。Greece stood at the brink of bankruptcy and other countries were starting to teeter.

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换句话说,古德温设计了一座房子,邪风一刮,就摇摇欲坠。In other words, Goodwin designed a house that would teeter when the slightest ill wind began to blow.

没有这些更多的根本变革,这些人民将年复一年挣扎在灾害的边缘。Without these more fundamental changes, these populations will teeter on the brink of disaster year after year.

不像在突尼斯和埃及,也门街头抗议迄今只有设法蒂特对起义的边缘。Unlike in Tunisia and Egypt, Yemeni street protests have so far only managed to teeter on the edge of an uprising.

谁会想到昔日强大的哈利法克斯银行会被迫屈服蹒跚着走向国有化的道路?Who would have thought that the mighty Halifax could be brought to its knees and teeter on the verge of nationalisation?

截至目前,白宫对总统好哥们被捕一事一直保持缄默,蒂特科姆本人也没有接受采访。Up to now, the White House on the arrest of the president has been a good buddy to remain silent, Teeter Cosme I did not interview.

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现在,当我有了类似冲动想去攀岩或是探索岩洞或是别的什么胆战心惊的活动,我就会提醒自己我不必证明什么。Now when I feel the old urge to abseil or explore caves or teeter at a great height I remind myself that I do not have to prove a thing.

在当前的中东,它终止伊拉克的重建进程,阻碍巴以和平的尝试,让黎巴嫩的民主制度在危机边缘摇摇欲坠。In the Middle East right now, it stops progress in Iraq. It defies the attempts at peace between Israel and Palestine. It is making Lebanese democracy teeter on the brink.