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极乐世界是有快乐和悲伤的吗?Is Elysium there are joy and sadness?

欢乐,圣洁之光。你是极乐世界的女儿。Joy, lovely divine light, Daughter of Elysium.

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那是因为你已经去了天堂,阵亡了!For you are in Elysium , and you're already dead!

如果你真的要与你的女儿重逢,你首先得成为值得进入极乐世界的人。If you are to see your daughter again, you must become worthy of Elysium.

你的女儿很平安,她在极乐世界与一群纯洁的灵魂生活在一起。Your daughter is well, she lives among the pure souls in the Elysium Fields.

欢乐,圣净之光。你是极乐世界的女儿。圣者将回于地狱!Joy, lovely divine light, Daughter of Elysium. Holy One, to thy holy kingdom.

欢乐,圣洁之光。你是极乐世界的女儿。圣者将归于天堂!Joy, lovely divine light, Daughter of Elysium. Holy One, to thy holy kingdom.

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法官们说我现在可以去极乐世界,那里会很美好。The judges say I have to go now to Elysium and that it will be nice there. I miss my family.

长久以来,他代表著净土并领导著伊甸精灵面对他们的挑战与敌人。For long ages, he represents Elysium and leadsallEden Elves to face their challenge and enemy.

在内屋离我还很遥远的那些日子,它是我想象中的乐土。In the days when the inner apartments were as yet far away from me, they were the elysium of my imagination.

在火星的净土平原区域,接近这个星球的赤道地区,两个类型和年代不同的熔岩层清晰可见。On the Elysium Planitia region of Mars, near the planet's equator, two distinct types and ages of lava are visible.

人类王国会相当高兴的是,最近的情报指出斧与矛已经将他们的注意力转向净土的财宝。Luckly to human kingdom, an information says that Axe and Spear has diverted its focus to the treasures of Elysium recently.

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不管他们生活在埃塞俄比亚,还是在纽约的南部布朗克斯区,甚至是洛杉矶这样的天堂,人们都决心不去为这些人操心。Whether they be in Ethiopia, the south Bronx, or even in such an Elysium as Los Angeles, we resolve to keep them off our minds.

而奎尼加入斧与矛的理由仍然未知,有些人猜测可能是他也对净土的无尽财宝有兴趣。The reason Qunny joined Axe and Spear is still unbeknown, some people guess it's because he's interested in the treasure of Elysium , too.

我很高兴为我的新专辑即将发行的极乐世界的伟大和令人振奋的歌曲,充分和参观你们美丽的国家。I am very excited for the upcoming release of my new album ELYSIUM that is full of great and uplifting songs and to tour your beautiful country.

每片树林的西缘,起伏的土地闪闪发光得如同处在极乐世界里,阳光照射在我们的背上宛如一位温和的牧羊人傍晚赶着我们走在回家的路上。The west side of every wood and rising ground gleamed like a boundary of Elysium , and the sun on our backs seemed like a gentle herdsman driving us home at evening.

本着“瑞思主义”的新闻价值观,BBC所构建的强大公信力体系以及历次战争中坚持的政治中立的理念,使得它成为全世界新闻从业者心目中理想的殿堂。Equipped with the Reith as its core value, BBC established its wide-ranged public trust and the concept of political neutrality, which in turn makes it the Elysium for world-wide journalists.