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他喜欢雷人。He enjoys shocking people.

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这是个震撼性的新闻。That was the shocking news.

其结果令人震惊。And the results were shocking.

这样浪费时间,真不像话!What a shocking waste of time!

真的够雷人啊!It's really shocking as thunder!

他好像喜欢得罪人。He seems to enjoy shocking people.

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灯怎么突然灭了It is so shocking the lights go out.

非常非常地令人吃惊。And this was really, really shocking.

之前他在美国电视里就这样了,before he was shocking in American TV

镇上发生了一个可怕的罪案。In the town, a shocking murder occurs.

这很惊人,现在正在发生什么事情?This is shocking. What is happening now?

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这种令人气愤的天气真是糟糕。This shocking weather is really terrible.

科尼太太点着头,说这是叫人很吃惊的。Mrs Corney agreed that it was very shocking.

真令人震惊。有三四层呢。It's shocking. There's like three or four floors

短暂欢闹和震惊的效果是相等的。The effect is equal parts hilarious and shocking.

这些说法-如果是真实的话-绝对是惊世骇俗的。This version — if it's true — is beyond shocking.

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这阵子有关食品安全的报道篇篇触目惊心啊。All the relevant food safety reports, shocking ah.

听起来有些令人震惊,失败可能会是一件好事。Shocking as it sounds, failure can be a good thing.

放眼望去,整个鸡场狼藉一片,触目惊心。Looking ahead, the whole chicken in a mess, shocking.