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一只山猫蹲在白雪覆盖的岩石上。A lynx sits on a snow-covered rock.

猞猁是国家二级保护动物。Lynx is a nationally protected animal.

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欢迎来到曲沃中学,我是站长,永泽。Welcom to Quwo Middle School, I am the master, Lynx.

而皇后动物园的美洲狮和猞猁却完全不吃这一套。But forget that for the pumas and lynx at the Queens Zoo.

胚胎移植猞猁的目的是让该物种生存并繁衍。The task of the transplanted lynx is to survive and multiply.

每一个男孩儿都是毒蛇和百合花,每一个女孩儿都是狸猫和珍珠。Every boy is a snake and a lily. Every pearl id a lynx and a girl.

他戴着一顶令人过目不忘的山猫皮的帽子在自家门外招待了我们。He greets us outside his home wearing an impressive hat of lynx fur.

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这同样适用于狼、貂熊、猞猁以及其它动物。The same is true for wolves, wolverines, lynx and many other species.

据说能遇到难以捉摸的加拿大猞猁是少有的机会。An encounter with an elusive Canada Lynx is said to be a rare privelege.

小组希望,在不远的将来能将人工圈养的猞猁放归山野。In the near future, it hopes to release captive-bred lynx into the wild.

于是猞猁跑到湖的另一边变成了鹿的模样。So Lynx went around to the other side of the lake and turned into a deer.

可是我很荣幸地能够有机会近距离看到这个猞猁。I am honoured to have had the opportunity to see a Lynx up close and personal.

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但是随着欧洲兔子的数量在持续减少,伊比利山猫的数量也随之减少。But as European rabbit populations continue to decline due to disease, so do lynx.

鲍里斯这个山猫知道会出什么事,他对各种事情的嗅觉也很敏锐。He knows what is going to happen, that lynx , Boris. He has a nose for things too.

山猫腿较长,脚掌较宽,协助它们在雪地中冲刺。Lynx have longer legs and much broader paws. This helps them charge around in snow.

我想到了!“猞猁说。”我跑到湖的另一边,然后装成一头鹿。"I know!" said Lynx. "I'll change myself into a deer on the other side of the lake."

这只猞猁姿态优雅、闪闪发光,轻盈地落在大惊失色的跳舞者中间。Graceful and gleaming, the lynx landed lightly in the middle of the astonished dancers.

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科学家们测试了获得的粪便和其它证据,而且这些粪便被证实是那只母猞猁的。Fecal material and other evidence obtained were tested and confirmed to be those of a lynx.

林芝和沃夫的人口已经成为德国人口成长的赢家了。Lynx and wolf populations have already become the winners of Germany's demographic development.

山猫这才探出长着尖尖耳朵的脑袋,惊愕地望着雪上反射的阳光。The lynx poked her pointy-eared head out of the box and blinked at the snow-reflected sunlight.