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这就是你们所说的达克斯狗吗?。Is this what you call a dachshund?

我能和我的腊肠做那些活动?What activities can I do with my Dachshund?

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任何看见腊肠毫疑问都道谁狗。Dachshund has no doubt about who' s dog it is.

我有个20个月大的儿子和一头6岁大的德国种猎犬。I have a 20-month-old boy and a 6-year-old dachshund.

一名男子挟着他的腊肠狗进了一家酒吧。A guy walks into a bar with a dachshund under his arm.

一不留神,我家的腊肠和巴吉度生出了一个混血种。Accidentally, my Dachshund and Basset Hound gave birth to a mongrel.

达克斯是一种身长腿短的德国狗。A dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very long body and short legs.

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对达克斯的狗的迷恋显然“就像十九世纪五十年代的同性恋。Harbouring a crush on a Dachshund is apparently “like being gay in the 1950s.

当他看到拿着达克斯香肠的小贩们时,突然萌生了制作卡通的灵感。When he saw the men with the dachshund sausages, he got an idea for a cartoon.

达克斯香肠先在纽约火爆起来的,尤其是在观看棒球比赛时,倍受人们青睐。Dachshund sausages first became popular in New York, especially at baseball games.

1972年慕尼黑奥运会的吉祥物沃尔蒂是只惹人喜爱的腊肠狗,它是奥运会历史上第一个官方吉祥物。"Waldi", the first official mascot to appear for the 1972 Munich Games, was a Dachshund.

事实上,他们有时会成为被石头砸死的牺牲品,他们的主人会被称作卖国贼。In fact, they were sometimes the victims of stonings, and dachshund owners were often called traitors.

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迷你腊肠狗杂交看到穿着与2009年6月13日,日在东京的狗嘉年华的帽子。Miniature dachshund crossbreed dogs are seen dressed up with hats at a dog fiesta in Tokyo June 13 2009.

美国达克斯狗俱乐部反对腊肠狗比赛,理由是那对狗不公平。The Dachshund Club of America is opposed to wiener-dog racing on the ground that it is hard on the dogs.

聪明,活泼勇猛,腊肠犬耐力强,对人友好而且不知道什么是“害臊”。Clever, lively and courageous, the Dachshund is persistent, outgoing and doesn't know the meaning of 'shy. '

19世纪60年代,法兰克福特第一次在美国市场抛头露面,美国人称之为“达克斯香肠”。Frankfurters were first sold in the United States in the 1860s. Americans called frankfurters "dachshund sausages".

爱护中心的官员们给尼克找来了一条17周大的德国猎犬,部门下属的新泽西李堡办事处还为尼克提供了看护护士。Officials from Loving Care, the Fort Lee agency providing nurses for Nick, found him a 17-week-old dachshund , Zoey.

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在2006年德国世界杯上,日本队将会有一个不同寻常却又颇能鼓舞士气的声援者——一只叫做隆美尔的小猎犬。The Japan national team will have an unusual but very encouraging supporter at Germany 2006 – a Miniature Dachshund.

而且那条达克斯猎犬需要一个家,如果你认为一条狗只是一个附属品,那么可能你根本不配拥有一条狗。But that dachshund needs a home, and if you think a dog is just an accessory then maybe you don’t deserve to have one.

事实上他们已经造出100多只了,另外还有两只,一只有很短的四肢,一只长着腊肠犬一样的尾巴。They’ve produced more than 100 of them actually, as well as a mouse with short limbs and one with a tail like a dachshund.