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支出弹性以猪杂最高。Edible pork offal had the largest expenditure elasticity.

产自苏格兰,基本上,碎屑里头还是碎屑。Haggis, Scotland. Basically, offal encased by more offal.

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红白内脏需分离、检验和清洁。White and red offal are separated, inspected and cleaned.

羊肉卖了,但总有些羊杂碎遗落在锅里。Lamb sold, but there is sheep offal left behind in the pan.

本文主要研究了龙虾壳酶解残渣中虾青素的稳定性。The pigment stability from crayfish offal was studied in this paper.

我们今天的鱼刚从市场上买回来,您可以试一下。We have fresh fish's offal from market, would you like to have a try?

只是公牛的皮、肉、粪都要用火烧在营外。But burn the bull's flesh and its hide and its offal outside the camp.

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另一些则指责把食物碎屑撒入大海以吸引鱼群的导游。Others blamed tour guides who lured fish by throwing offal in the sea.

我望着窗外的蒙蒙细雨,不知道这样的天气,地里能不能下脚。I looked out the drizzle did not know such weather, the ground can offal.

最近30年,内脏消费量在英国和美国减少了一半。Offal consumption has halved in Britain and America in the last 30 years.

与排便反射有关的传入纤维,也由盆内脏神经传入。And defecation reflection on the introduction of fiber, also came from pots of offal.

只是公牛的皮、肉、粪都要用火烧在营外。这牛是赎罪祭。But burn the bull's flesh and its hide and its offal outside the camp. It is a sin offering.

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汤姆的家人居住的那条街离伦敦桥并不远,名字叫做垃圾院。The street where Tom's family lived was not far from London Bridge and was called Offal Court.

味浓厚、嗜葱蒜,尤以烹制海鲜,汤菜和各种。Strong flavor, Chuangsuan, especially cooked seafood, and various animal offal Shangcai longer.

公牛的皮和所有的肉并头,腿,脏,腑,粪But the hide of the bull and all its flesh, as well as the head and legs, the inner parts and offal

小贩在烧煮和贩卖“杂碎面包”,人们朝我瞪着眼睛。Street vendors cooked and sold what could only be described as "offal baguettes". People stared at me.

最后鸭掌烧好了,鸭子却还活着,切下脚装盘上桌,鸭子做其它用。Ya Zhang finally burn it, ducks still alive, cut Zhuangpan offal on the table, with the other ducks do.

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这款煮熟的热气腾腾的内脏汤以防止和治愈严重的宿醉而闻名。The tripe is boiled and the steaming offal soup is known for both preventing and curing a massive hangover.

我们上次说到约翰?康第拖着合法的王子往垃圾大院里去,后面跟一群嘈杂而高兴的闲人。We left john canty dragging the rightful prince into offal court with a noisy and delighted mob at his heels.

鲜、冷、冻牛、猪、绵羊、山羊、马、驴、骡的食用杂碎。Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen.