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这位裁缝使用他的针。The dressmaker plies her needle.

我祖母是熟练的裁缝。My grandmother was an expert dressmaker.

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我的裁缝要我试穿新衬衫。My dressmaker has asked me to fit on the new shirt.

那裁缝把小块的重的东西缝制到连衣裙的下摆里了。The dressmaker put small weights in the hem of dress.

不久她又在服装加工店积欠了好几笔账款。Soon she has been running up bills at the dressmaker again.

我要请我的裁缝再为我女儿做一件衣服。I'll ask my dressmaker to make another coat for my daughter.

裁缝用大头针把纸样别布。The dressmaker used a pin to fasten the pattern to the cloth.

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我要请我的裁缝再为我女儿做一件衣服。E. g. I'll ask my dressmaker to make another coat for my daughter.

很久很久以前,在一个小村庄里住着一位裁缝师和他的独生女。Once upon a time in a village, a dressmaker lived with his only daughter.

当他见到了裁缝师的女儿,马上就对她的美貌为之倾倒。When he saw the dressmaker 's daughter, he was overwhelmed by her beauty.

我要是能叫裁缝给我做一条苏西。内格尔那样的百褶裙该有多好。If I could get that dressmaker to make a concertina skirt like Susy Nagle's.

那个个子矮小的女裁缝在花铺里买了一包金莲花种子。The little dressmaker bought an envelope of nasturtium seeds at the florists.

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很久很久以前,在一个小村庄里住着一位裁缝师和他的独生女。Once upon a time in a small village, a dressmaker lived with his only daughter.

服装师就根据孙中山的建议,设计了一种四个口袋的翻领上装。At the suggestion of Sun Zhongshan, the dressmaker designed a four-pocket lapel coat.

“一到那里,你就可以去买你所需要的一切,最亲爱的,”他解释道。“你可以请个裁缝来。”"You can buy all you want as soon as you get there, dearest, " he explained. "You can call in a dressmaker. "

高木的母亲是一名日本的裁缝,日本纺织亦因此深深地影响了他的创作。She is also strongly influenced by Japanese textile, owing to the fact that her mother is a Japanese dressmaker.

发烧级装饰运用在柔软纺织品上的精细裁缝将把美丽与魅力的时尚之风引至家居空间。FASHIONISTA FINERY Dressmaker details on soft textiles brings the glamour and beauty from the fashion runways home.

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终于,看到木兰骑着她的汗马,远远地走来,我跟花李氏慌忙的催着她沐浴、梳洗、好好地打扮一下。Finally Mulan came riding up on her horse, Khan. Fa Li and I hustled her off to the bather , hairdresser, and dressmaker.

不过,如果你作为一位消费者,是愿意穿艺术家做的衣服呢,还是裁缝做的衣服?The dream is to turn ideas into commerce. But would you, as a consumer, rather be wearing the clothes of an artist or a dressmaker?

国王和王后的每一件衣服都只穿一次,虽然有御裁缝专司其事,他们却不知道穿上合身衣服的愉快。Kings and queens who wear a suit but once, though made by some tailor or dressmaker to their majesties, cannot know the comfort of wearing a suit that fits.