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好莱坞计分法。Hollywood Scoring.

卢克和卡森得分多。Luc and Carson are scoring big.

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使对手失去平衡同时得分。Unbalancing the opponent and scoring.

评分表评定伤情的验证。Verification of wound in scoring scale.

他在比赛中技惊四座,连入两球。He shone in the match, scoring two goals.

MAGIC仅仅使用记分表手册。MAGIC used the manual scoring sheet only.

但是他过去代表尤文出场的战绩却令人印象深刻。But his past scoring record is impressive.

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卡劳在补时阶段打进第三球。Kalou completed the scoring in added time.

尽管在上半时未能取得进球,但我们也做到了这一点。We did that in the first half without scoring.

他这得分数据单看着就像张两万似的。His scoring sheets back then looked like Wilts.

科比得分少了,他们全队的得分却多了。Bryant is scoring less and they're scoring more.

欧文的最厉害的技能包就是单打得分。Kyrie's greatest skill is his isolation scoring.

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而且,你知道,那些家伙会不停的得分。And, you know, these guys will keep scoring runs.

大鼠后肢运动功能BBB评分测定结果。BBB scoring of motor function of hindlimb of rats.

开场27分钟,队长冯斯首开纪录。Captain Funes opened the scoring after 27 minutes.

汉特教授正忙于给考试评分。Professor Hunter is busy scoring the examinations.

他为桑普出场51次并攻入一球。He has played 51 games for Sampdoria, scoring 1 goal.

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回应时间以见面评分标准为基础。Response time is based upon meeting scoring criteria.

布朗德罗以357分的得分获得最有价值球员奖。Brondello secured the MVP award by scoring 357 points.

在对萨拉戈萨进了一球之后你觉得怎么样?How do you feel after scoring a goal against Zaragoza?