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像一个伪善者。Like a hypocrite.

奉承者,伪君子。A flatterer, a hypocrite.

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他是个无赖,伪君子。He's a deadbeat and a hypocrite.

伪君子谄媚者和醉鬼。Hypocrite and toady and inebriate!

我也是郑州人,我也在问。Am I also a hypocrite and a bad man?

他是世界第一的伪君子。He's the earth's number-one hypocrite.

据知他是一个伪君子。According to knowing he is a hypocrite.

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那个帅气的头人是一个伪君子。That handsome Alpha Male is a hypocrite.

你认为这两人中有人是伪君子吗?Do you think either of these men is a hypocrite?

最有趣的一类KH是那些伪善的人。The most interesting of all the KH is hypocrite guy.

亨利不只是一个顽固执拗的人,他还是个伪君子。Henry was more than a bigot. He was also a hypocrite.

她毫不留情地剥掉这个伪君子的画皮。She ripped off the mask of the hypocrite mercilessly.

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要么成为傻瓜,要么变成伪君子。You can become an idiot, or you can become a hypocrite.

其实,自矜仁义的宋襄公是一个凶狠残忍的伪君子。In reality, Song was a hypocrite who was fierce and cruel.

别让不敬虔的人作王,免得他危害人民。That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.

再别假惺惺了。我早就知道你在想什么。Stop being a hypocrite. I already know what's on your mind.

与假冒伪善的人相反,一个真基督徒有何特点?What characterizes a true Christian, as opposed to a hypocrite?

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奥巴马是有史以来最虚伪的伪君子。是的,我就是想明目张胆的说出这些话。Obama is the biggest hypocrite POTUS we've ever had. I mean blatant!

该死的伪君子说过,害怕坟地的人,都是相信那些神秘主义的。Said the damn hypocrite who's afraid of graveyard lurking occultists.

在我所见过的高层人士中,诺顿是最下流的伪君子。The man was the foulest hypocrite that I ever saw in a high position.