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今天是一次沟通讨论会。This is a communications seminar.

刘建高在研讨会上作了讲话。Liu made a speech at the seminar high.

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外判律师启导研讨会。Induction Seminar for New Fiat Counsel.

每月参加一场职场类研讨会。Attend one career-related seminar a month.

举办学士班新生辅导说明会。The Freshman Orientation Seminar was held.

这就是我们系列讲座的真正意义。,That‘s really what our seminar series is about.

你如何发现BWE的事业指导服务?How did you find out about this BWE seminar?

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该讲座的关键词是谨慎。The code word for the seminar is discretion.

这个故事是说,当海森堡正在讲座时。The story goes Heisenberg is giving a seminar.

系统允许该学生参加研习班。The system enrolls the student in the seminar.

本书出版后50年,我们仍在研讨班上使用它。We are teaching a seminar on it 50 years later.

什麽是地区扶轮基金讲习会?What is the district Rotary Foundation seminar?

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我不记得星期五研讨会的情况了。I have no memory of the Friday seminar meetings.

我建议将研讨会缩短为一个小时。I suggest we telescope the seminar into an hour.

人民日报社社长张研农在第四届中国—东盟媒体合作高层研讨会上的发言at the 4th China-ASEAN Media Cooperation Seminar

在乌兰巴托举办电视弘法讲座。A truth-sharing video seminar held in Ulaanbaatar.

对凯莉而言,这个研讨会就是来骗钱的。As far as Carrie's concerned, the seminar is a scam.

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我加入这研讨会纯粹出于好奇心的作祟。I had enrolled in the seminar out of sheer curiosity.

在我所参加过的研讨会中,陈安之是最好的。Steve Chen runs the best seminar I have ever attended.

决定让他们俩去参加专题研讨会。It is decided that both of them will attend the seminar.