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他满头白发。He has grey hair.

他有些鹤发了。He has grey hairs.

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她满头白发。She has grey hair.

它是灰黑色的。It's grey and black.

他的头发都白了。His hair turned grey.

灰色,搭配橙色边饰。Grey with orange trim.

它们是灰黑色的。They are black and grey.

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所有东西都是纯灰色。Everything was plain grey.

人生如梦,一樽还酹江月。A man grey before his time.

一个灰衣女孩,骑着奄奄一息的马。A grey girl on a dying horse.

您的乌发是否过早变白了?。Are you going grey too early?

穿兰色衣服的孩子是汤姆。The holy moly in grey is Tom.

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所有内容都为浅灰色。All in maddeningly light grey.

黑暗之中猫都是灰色的。Bll cats are grey in the dark.

她的脸色变成灰色。Her face faded away into grey.

他灰白的头发又干又无光泽。His hair is dry, dull and grey.

半透明灰扇叶。Transparent grey plastic blade.

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用灰色的大氅裹你外形。Wrap thy form in a mantle grey.

一只灰鹤飞到树上。A grey crane flew onto the tree.

我的丈夫己经长出了灰发。My husband has grey in his hair.