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整顿和规范市场经济秩序。We will rectify and standardize the market order.

该公司需要标准化这些部件类型。The company needs to standardize these part types.

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标准化队列名称中的节点和节点分隔符。Standardize on nodes and node separators in queue names.

大多数马拉松跑步者没有他们的标准赛前餐。Many marathoners fail to standardize their pre-race meal.

有些组织规范释放名称或者版本号。Some organizations standardize on release names or numbers.

这样,管理员可以将部署标准化。This allows an administrator to standardize the deployment.

继续深入整顿和规范市场秩序。We will continue working to improve and standardize market order.

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改进和规范经济适用房制度。We will improve and standardize the system of affordable housing.

很多组织为发布标签标准化命名规则。Many organizations standardize on a nomenclature for release labels.

目前,我们向你推荐这种线缆和与之对应的转接头都是标准化的。For now, it’s the cable and connector we recommend you standardize on.

四是大力整顿和规范房地产市场秩序。Fourth, we will work to rectify and standardize the real estate market.

在浓缩梨汁生产管理中,通过推行HACCP管理系统,对其生产进行规范。HACCP is applied to standardize the processing of pear juice concentrate.

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现在就轮到你来发现行之有效的方法、使它标准化,并且按此执行。It’s up to you to find an efficient pattern, standardize it and follow it.

拓展和规范法律服务,积极开展法律援助。We will extend and standardize legal services and provide effective legal aid.

因此,必须大力发展和科学管理我国的社团组织。Hence, we must develop and standardize mass organizations in China energetically.

所以要克服染整流程工艺的种种变因,必须制定标准化流程的新观念。In order to control the variance in the process, we must standardize the procedure.

目的规范门急诊输液室服务流程的管理。Objective To standardize the management of out-patient intravenous service process.

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目的使警示标识牌的图案及警示语句达到规范化。Objective To standardize the warning languages and the patterns in admonitory plates.

目的规范血液透析室新护士培训方法。Objective To standardize the methods of training newcomer nurses in hemodialysis room.

限定医院内同一药品不同浓度之品项数并订定规范。Standardize and limit the number of drug concentrations available in the organization.