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可是艾米丽去加勒比度假去了。But Emily is on vacation in Caribbean.

我们要生产加勒比茶。We're going to be producing Caribbean teas.

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店,与Shopzilla加勒比因特网。" Stores, and "the" Caribbean Shopzilla Internet.

但我们要做加勒比的茶。But we're going to be doing teas from the Caribbean.

我们乘坐旅游船在加勒比海玩了一个星期。We took a cruise ship around the Caribbean for a week.

一个律师与一个工程师在加勒比海边钓鱼。A lawyer and an engineer were fishing in the Caribbean.

在加勒比海炽热的混凝土路面上,他依然保持本色,赤足而行。His feet were still bare on the hot Caribbean concrete.

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正在寻找加勒比海一带最后未遭破坏的海滩吗?Looking for the last unspoiled beaches in the Caribbean?

“皮拉尔号”原本是用来去加勒比海捕鱼的。Pilar was designed for catching big fish in the Caribbean.

“比拉号”最初是为在加勒比海上捕获大鱼而设计。Pilar was designed for catching big fish in the Caribbean.

算算七小时后地球会转到哪儿,加勒比海?Guess where the earth should be at after 7 hours, Caribbean?

有时候他们从加勒比来,成为了美国人Sometimes they come from the Caribbean and become Americans.

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那里的加勒比海域也非常适合进行斯库巴潜水。The Caribbean waters there are also perfect for scuba diving.

达到加勒比再到巴西水域中的黑黄色石鲈。Black and gold grunt found from Bermuda to Caribbean to Brazil.

古巴是全球最大和最商业化的加勒比国家。Cuba is the largest and least commercialised Caribbean country.

它往往是进入到乌兰布和沙区加勒比穴居。It is often found burrowing into sandy ground in the Caribbean.

克利尔风味是混合了法国、非洲和加勒比海岛菜风味的混合菜系。Creole is mixture of French, African, and Caribbean Island food.

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我父母来自加勒比西印度群岛的两个小岛。My parents are from two tiny islands in the Caribbean West Indies.

这项资助项目——ACP科学技术项目——是由欧洲联盟资助的,并由非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团的秘书处协调。secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States.

在加勒比海,一条海鳗潜伏在装满鱼笼子的外面。A moray eel lurks outside a cage full of fish in the Caribbean Sea.