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我是一个心理学家,倾向于移情思维。As a psychologist, my tendency is to be empathic.

猫儿不像狗或是大象那样具有利他的,移情的行为。Cats, unlike dogs or even elephants, aren't associated with altruistic, empathic behavior.

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此外,两阶段式团体促进互为主体性的展现,有利于同感能力的形成。The intersubjectivity in the two-stage training group could promote empathic abilities of nurses.

他们还注意到同情脑系统平均在六至八秒内起动。They also noticed that empathic brain systems took an average of six to eight seconds to start up.

大学生利他行为与移情能力的相关性极其显著。The correlation between altruistic behavior and empathic ability of college students is extremely notable.

我们的研究讨论了主要问题,鸟类是否具有表现移情反应的能力。Our research has addressed the fundamental question of whether birds have the capacity to show empathic responses.

科学家们说研究表明,男性是否会产生移情反应取决于他人是否曾善待他。The scientists said the research shows that empathic responses in men are shaped by the perceived fairness of others.

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研究表明,通过找出我们的猜测是否是正确的目标,我们可以迅速的提高我们心领神会的准确性。Studies demonstrate that we can quickly improve our empathic accuracy by finding out whether our guesses are on target.

一种欣荣的亲密可能要求双方用非常多的耐心和移情培养。A flourishing intimacy is likely to demand an extraordinary amount of empathic and patient cultivation from both partners.

弗罗说,你可以将心比心地为你要感谢的人考虑,并发自心内地判断自己的本意,从而避免犯下这样的错误。Froh says you can avoid this by being empathic toward the person you are thanking―and by honestly assessing your motivations.

正念也使人们感到与他人关系更密切——那种“与宇宙合一”的心意相通的感觉。" Mindfulness also makes people feel more connected to other people—that empathic feeling of being "at one with the universe.

婴儿是谁取决于照顾的人所投射出来的,以及他们通过关爱所表达的。Who a baby is depends on who the people caring for it project it to be and the way they express this through their empathic care.

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保护和帮助移情作用极度敏感的蓝光、荷光者们、和星际存有们——来锚定盖亚上的光云。Protection and assistance for the empathic ultra sensitive Blue Ray Light Bearer and Star Beings to anchor the Shekinah on the Gaia.

你敏锐的感觉强力运转,因为月亮进入敏感和富有同情心的螃蟹座,今天允许你以艺术家或诗人的角色把戏演完。Your sensitivity is running strong now that the Moon is in empathic Cancer, allowing you to play out your role as the artist or poet today.

在那时,我们克服了情绪的不安和焦虑,因为有了为我们打气的听众。At such times we get over the initial drizzle of emotional anxiety and mental restlessness, because of the pepping up by our empathic listener.

在那时候,我们克服了情绪的不安和焦虑,因为有了为我们打气的听众。At such times we get over the initial drizzle of emotional anxiety and mental restlessness, because of the pepping up by our empathic listener.

台北市国民小学校长同理心技能与学校效能有中度正相关。There is Medium positive correlation between the whole and every dimension of principal's empathic skills and the ones of school effectiveness.

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艾德尔认为莫洛亚的说法就是移情,而传记家要避免移情,应当对他的传主给予更多的同情。Leon Edel thought empathy was exactly what Maurois was saying, while a biographer should avoid empathy and must be more sympathetic than empathic.

真正地倾听,即用心聆听,不只是被动地听,而是不用判断,就能感觉他们内心正在经历着什么。Real listening, known as empathic listening, is not just hearing passively, but feeling what another person is going through without judging them.

在这样一个移情化的社会里,表情变得无足轻重,所以戈塔尔人面部肌肉死板,说话也声音单调。Because emotional displays are not necessary in an empathic culture, the muscles on a Gotal's face are not expressive, and Gotals tend to speak in monotones.