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去尽骨,方见髓。To do bone marrow side see.

我是个骨髓捐献的在册人员。I am on the bone marrow register.

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要我说“吸取一些精髓”,那才是话中有话。Suck out some marrow. That one was.

他终生遗憾。The regret penetrated to his marrow.

冷风砭骨。The cold wind cuts one to the marrow.

也就是说,骨髓可以捐献,血液却不可以?So, my marrow is okay but not my blood?

你就是这么个人,天性都在你的骨头里了。It is in you, it is in your bone marrow.

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红骨髓具有造血功能。The red marrow has hemopoiesis function.

我的血液和骨髓的检验单说明了什么?What do the blood and marrow tests show?

从骨髓细胞断裂的微小碎片。Minute fragments from cells of bone marrow.

对于骨髓疾病相关性贫血。Anemias associated with bone marrow disease.

骨髓是骨骼中一种柔软的、海绵状的组织。Marrow is a soft, spongy tissue inside bone.

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急性淋巴细胞白血病是一种血液和骨髓癌症。ALL is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.

这种可怕的景象使她感到毛骨悚然。The dreadful sight chilled her to the marrow.

局部骨髓组织减少。Localizable tissue of bone marrow was decreased.

天气太冷了,他感到寒冷刺骨。It was so cold that he felt frozen to the marrow.

心灵的沟通不需要过多的言语。The communi catian of marrow need not more words.

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最右侧可见正常的黄骨髓。More normal fatty marrow is seen at the far right.

这种贫血的铁贮量正常,骨髓表现为增殖型。Active hyperplasia could be seen in the bone marrow.

他是一个道道地地的贵族。He is an aristocrat to the very marrow of his bones.