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今年小学入学人数将达到最高峰。Primary school enrolment will peak this year.

报名以先到先得为准。Enrolment is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

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接受检测和进行治疗之间的平均间隔时间为6天。The median time between testing and enrolment was 6 days.

报名一经接纳,所有捐款一律不予退还。All donations are non-refundable once enrolment is accepted.

这些大型研究的入选工作可望在2002年中期完成。These large studies expect to complete enrolment in mid-2002.

补习班招生已满额。The continuation class has already fulfilled its enrolment quota.

用户可向教育局递交修讀应用学习课程的学生的入讀资料。User can submit the enrolment details of students taking ApL courses.

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各课程的截止报名日期为开课前的五日。Enrolment deadline is 5 calendar days before the course commencement date.

获取录后,首次团费必须以支票缴付。The first installment of class fee after enrolment must be paid by cheque.

仅以关注入学人数来衡量进展是不明智的,质量也很重要。It is not sensible to focus exclusively on enrolment as a measure of progress.

职校的服装专业已面临着招生“尴尬”的局面。Garment specialty in vocational school has faced the embarrassment of enrolment.

学生将于涂鸦创意间完整收妥学费及确认仍有名额后正式取录。Enrolment will be confirmed once payment is fully settled, while seats available.

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请与你最近的考点联系询问确切的考试费用。So you need to contact the centre nearest you to find out the exact enrolment fee.

国际学生的加盟也扩展了美国商学院多样化的特点。The enrolment of non-US students is still a diversity issue in the top US schools.

入学报名费,学费,校服,书薄费及学校监护人费。The Enrolment , Tuition, Uniform, Book and Guardianship Fees are payable in advance.

本人已阅读并同意遵守表格背面所列之「条款及条件」。I have read the enrolment "terms and conditions" overleaf and agree to abide by them.

阁下的报名申请已被接纳。请准时出席。Your enrolment for the forum has been accepted. Please attend the seminar accordingly.

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如报名已被接纳,本会不会安排转班或退款。No refunds and transfers of course fee will be arranged once the enrolment is accepted.

营养不足导致的健康不佳和发育不良经常妨碍或延误入学。Poor health and stunting caused by malnutrition often prevent or delay enrolment in school.

本人谨在此声明在本申请表格内所提供的资料均属正确无讹。I hereby declare that the information provided in this enrolment form is complete and correct.