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我们开放,有远见,有激情,敢想敢干。We are open-minded, farseeing, emotioned and enaction.

本文认为,这一战略的推出具有深刻的背景。This thesis argues that the enaction of the strategy has a profound background.

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参与制定并组织实施1992-2002年世界银行贷款中国结核病控制项目。Participated in enaction and implementation of World Bank Loan Project for TB control in China from 1992 to 2002.

研究成果对航空公司航线、航班调整、代码共享和民航政策制订具有参考作用。The research is expected beneficial to airline and flight adjustment, code sharing and civil aviation policy enaction.

据推测,这些公司都是BSA的会费成员,所以他们会对SOPA的制定以予经济上支持。As the companies are, presumably, dues paying members of the BSA, they are financially supporting the enaction of SOPA.

新条例颁行后这种重合有所缩小,但是制度设计大面积重合的思路却仍旧被保持下来。After the enaction of new statute, such overlapping was reduced, while the opinion of great overlapping design was preserved.

行政规章混乱的状况很大程度上是由于规章制定所参照的明确依据和标准的缺乏。The confusion condition of the Administrative regulations is largely due to the lack of clear standards followed by the enaction of administrative rules.

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生态的视角是指从共生的方面来考察、认识和理解环境、生物、社会、生活、人类、心理、行为等。The core of ecology means enaction. The viewpoint of ecology is to study, recognize and understand the environment, organisms, society, human, life, mind, behavior and so on.

上海的粮食计划供应是国家整体计划的一部分,国家统购统销政策的出台直接导致了上海粮食计划供应制度的生成。Shanghai Food plan supply is the part of National whole plan, The enaction of the Central Purchase and Supply of Grain directly resulted in the creation of Shanghai Food plan supply system.

总之,在飞翼布局作战飞机的构型设计、飞控系统设计以及飞行品质评定条款的制定、实施中,均需考虑这些新的飞行品质特性。In sum, those new flying quality characteristics must be concerned in the design of flying wings' configuration and flight system design and the enaction and implement of flying quality criterions.